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  1. o1110010

    Possible Multiple Criteria Combinations

    Hello friends and strangers! I am guessing this problem I have has been resolved already but the closest sounding post so far is this which still leaves me wondering. In a form I have four unbound text boxes. Each of these textboxes I was hoping could be used to narrow a search if data is...
  2. o1110010

    Death to clippit?

    Upon putzing (general use) of .mdb files, the office assistant pops up every once in awhile. Is there a permanent way to disable the office assistant in desired .mdb files? (..other than uninstalling that feature?) I know one could disable or reassign F1 but I am not looking to disable certain...
  3. o1110010

    'Invisible' form

    What exactly is meant by invisible form? I know I've seen it mentioned a couple times on the forum but I was not able to find those threads now that I have the question. :( Also, a semi-similar question... I noticed when moving from Access 97 to Access 2000 when using .mdb files.. each form...
  4. o1110010

    Current Object/Event Name?

    What is the property or command to use the active object? How about event? I have a function that basically timestamps a certain table with username, time, object, and event(action) that I call in only particular events. I used the Computer Class that Mile-O-Phile posted in sample database...
  5. o1110010

    Passing an optional value

    *Note: I will be omitting the body of the code since it works as directed. Just need help with the idea/change. Currently, a button on a form runs a specific procedure. I want to have the option of passing a value to the procedure (something I have not done in VBA yet). Notice I said "option"...
  6. o1110010

    C logic equivilent in VBA?

    Just a wandering thought, not too terrible or requiring an answer. In C/C++ this logic works: int a, b, c; c = 0; a = b = c + 1; printf("A equals %d B equals %d C equals %d", a, b, c); the output would be "A equals 1 B equals 1 C equals 0" is there any way VBA can be manipulated to do the...
  7. o1110010

    Differences between DAO & ADO

    Confused about the differences.. I'm trying to get a grip on ADO but I think I should have made sure I had a grasp of DAO first. :confused: Now even the simplest Sub Procedure isn't working in my database but it was working last week! All due to me trying to switch the code around to use ADO...
  8. o1110010

    DAO vs ADO?

    being new to VBA, i recently had some questions about DAO & ADO differences. these thoughts are found in post #4 of the following thread: (this thread was to start a poll since i didn't see how to add a poll to the above thread...
  9. o1110010

    Count equivalent

    i was going to write asking what the Count([tablename]) equivalent was but i believe i found the answer by searching this forum! (the moderators and admins may like to hear that.. ;) ) now this thread is more of a... thank you for existing!!! i am a new registrant to these forums. i should...
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