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  1. MarkK

    How to handle custom Popup Menu click events without callbacks

    Typically in the past, when creating custom right-click popup menus, I've used the CommandBarButton.OnAction property to define the name of a callback for that button to run. Recently, however, I noticed that a CommandBarButton raises a click event. This database demonstrates a pattern you can...
  2. MarkK

    How to keep a non-default form instance open without an external reference...

    Using non-default instances of forms can be very powerful. See Allen Browne's discussion of non-default instances, and a technique to keep them open here: VBA keeps a class instance alive based on reference counts, so if there is one reference to an instance...
  3. MarkK

    How to: Snap forms together

    Here's a database that demonstrates how to snap forms together when you drop them near enough to each other. I think this is also a pretty good example of OOP programming concepts implemented in VBA. See what you think. Cheers,
  4. MarkK

    Computational Rights and Freedoms?

    I just read a really interesting article on 'computational freedom', I guess, is the best way to put it. For the tl;dr crowd, the capacity of a (Turing-complete) machine to execute code is judgement-free, so to the machine there is no 'good code'...
  5. MarkK

    Built-In Ribbon Tab Name Reference

    For future reference... Built-in ribbon tab names in Access TabPrintPreviewAccess TabHomeAccess TabCreate TabExternalData TabDatabaseTools TabSourceControl TabAddIns TabFormToolsFormatting TabControlLayout TabFormToolsDesign TabFormToolsLayout TabReportToolsFormatting TabReportToolsLayout...
  6. MarkK

    Congratulations Obama, Thanks America.

    Phew. What a relief. From the ridiculous to the sublime. I feel like I did in 1977 when Luke Skywalker dropped his photon torpedo down that ventilation shaft on the Death Star. Everyone in the theatre cheered. Congratulations Barak Hussein Obama. You inspire me. Thanks America for turning...
  7. MarkK

    SendKeys and/or Macro Failure

    - I have this code in a standard module. I used to hit keys <Alt> <T> <M> <Enter> in any module, which ran this as if it was a macro and produced instant dated boxes to offset blocks of related routines. - This has now stopped working in all my Access files. I can set a breakpoint and step...
  8. MarkK

    Democratic Responsibility For Violence

    If a democracy initiates a war of aggression, invades a country on false pretexts, and kills tens of thousands of its citizens, and not only that, but the leader of that democracy is re-elected post invasion, to what degree are the individual citizens of the aggressive democracy morally culpable...
  9. MarkK

    RichText ActiveX Control Unsupported?

    I'm having trouble using a RichTextBox ActiveX control (RichTx32.ocx) in Access 2003, Windows XP. I've regsvr'ed it. I've Tools->ActiveX Controls->Registered it. Code->Tools->References is not missing. Private WithEvents rtb as RichTextBox compiles fine. I've tried copying a version of this...
  10. MarkK

    Cost vs Payoff question, using class modules for data access

    I recently wrote an 'Explorer' style application (using treeviews) that offers an interface for the parametric programming of the relationships between the parts of cabinets. Users can create a Build Specification, add an Assembly, add Parts to an Assembly, add an Assembly to an Assembly, and...
  11. MarkK

    Compile error does not highlight offending statement

    Hello: When I try to compile my database I get a "User-defined type not defined" error, but Access does not take me to the offending line. Seems like a reference problem, but which one? I've got a ton of references and a ton of modules, forms etc... and I've never seen the compiler not...
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