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  1. W

    Work Schedule Tracking

    I'm in the military and am trying to build a database that allows me to keep track of what post my troops where on a what day of that month and if need be print a report for a specific day listing all posts for that day. Currently we use 2 excel spreadsheets that are linked and do this for us...
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    Multiple Query Issue

    My DB tracks courses taken by people. Most of these have an expiration date. I can make a query to show me who is overdue on class "x", "y" and I can make a query to show me who hasn't taken "x", "y". Is there a way I can combine the two queries into one report?
  3. W

    Dynamic multiple criteria in a single field

    I have a query that displays all records. I need it to limit based on multiple criteria in a single field. I.E... instead of all employees from every section, I just want it to display employees from section A, C, D, F one time and next time maybe go with section B, C, D. For some reason the...
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    Query/Report Issue

    Here is the statement in my query: ItemType: Left([itemNumber],InStr(1,[itemNumber],"-")-1) It takes the following string "M4-1234567" and displays everything before the hyphen. Yet when someone doesn't type in a hyphen it gives me an error. This prevents me from generating my report. How can...
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    Unmatched Q problem

    I'd like to create a query that shows me what employees haven't had a certain training (i.e. Bob hasn't had heavy machinery training). I've played with the unmatched records wizard and it just seems to not work out no matter how I connect them. I think the only two tables I need be concerned...
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    Tracking Training

    I have a DB I'm using to track training for assigned people. Right now the training gets put in the DB at the end of the day by going through each persons record and adding the training that they did for the day. As you can see when training 30+ people a day, putting this in the system can take...
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    Normalization Help needed

    I currently have three tables. The first table contains Employee ID, and Name of Employee Second table contains Employee ID, and an autonumber The third table contains an autonumber and a unique PIN The 1st/2nd table are connected by Employee ID, the 2nd/3rd table connected by the...
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    Query question

    I have a query that joins three tables. The first table being the master list with all personnel listed and the other two are tables containing information about a specific record. When I run this select query it allows me to add/edit information. However if I add a fourth related table, it...
  9. W

    Need a flag in a database

    I need a flag(indicator) for my database. This flag would be read by many different functions and depending on the value of the flag, would do one of two things. Example: If the flag is "A", when I click a button in a form it does "C" function. If the flag is "B", then in case of the previous...
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    Dynamic Update Query

    Not sure if this is possible but I figured I'd ask. I currently have a form/update query that allows me to change a persons last name in a record depending on the value I enter in an unbound text box on the form. Is it possible to make this query dynamic so I change field names on the fly...
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    Append Q/Form question

    Hello out there in the world. I am seeking an answer to a problem. Ok, not really an answer but more like looking for a better way to do this if possible. Scenario is this, I have a table with several fields. When a record is deleted in this table, I have an append query that places three...
  12. W

    Prevent Scrolling in subform

    I'm trying to prevent use of the scroll wheel in my subforms but allow for it in the main form. I've looked at the "mousetrap" posted by gHudson. I'm not trying to prevent changes as I am trying to prevent a blank or new record from displaying if one already exists. Any Ideas on how to do this?
  13. W

    Date/Query problem...

    I have an unbound text box with a medium date input mask. In the afterupdate event of this box I have it run an append query. This query appends several pieces of data and I'd like it to pull the date from this unbound textbox. Yet it doesn't. If I format the textbox as standard text it will...
  14. W

    passing unbound value to append query

    When I have my form I have an unbound control called rtdDate. In rtdDate's AfterUpdateEvent I have it run a append query. Within the append query I have the following: RTD Date: forms!masterListQ!rtdDate Yet it keeps coming up blank when you run the query. Its like its not finding the value of...
  15. W

    Prevent inadvertant updates to a combo box

    I have a combo box in a form that I want to prevent "unwanted" changes to this comb box. I'm trying to find a way that if someone changes a combobox, it prompts them "are you sure you want to change this?" If the answer is yes then it lets them change it, but if the answer is no it returns it...
  16. W

    msgbox question

    Is it possible to use a msgbox to fill in a control on a form?
  17. W

    Data editparadox

    My problem is this: Table 1 contains: PIN, Name, Section Table 2 contains: Name, Section, ID Table 3 contains: ID, project name Table 1 is current personnel, table 2 is personnel who've worked on a project, table 3 is a project listing. I'm trying to create a way that when a record from...
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    list box color

    My list box on my form has the fore color set to 255 or red yet it still displays the first column in black and the rest in red. Am I missing something? Why isn't it all red? Wulf
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    Figuring dates

    Ok, here's my quandry: I have a form used for tracking certain "reports" within my office. One control comes from a table and its the report "Date Started". A second control calculates the "Date Expired" which is normally "date started + 180 days". Now here's the tricky part, I have three...
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    Trying to print blank lines in report

    I'm trying to print a report with 30 blank lines at the end for write-in additions. I've followed several of the posts on this site but I seem to be running into a problem. I've attached a pared down version of the database. Can someone please help?
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