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    User defined types/public function in a query

    Thanks RuralGuy - good point. Bit "heavy-handed" of Access to just crash! No error messages, no warnings. Anyway, I've used another way of doing what I want but when I have time I'll change the module code to return just one value, and see what happens in the query. Thanks AlanM
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    User defined types/public function in a query

    Hi All I have used Allen Browne's code (see, bottom of page) as a model for my user-defined type and public function in an events management database. Using the function in forms/VBA works fine. But my DB crashes whenever I try to use it in a query. My...
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    Documenting a database

    Hi Bob That's what I would have expected. However I clearly have forms that I have modified the design of, and these do show up with different modified and created dates in database objects detail view, yet these do NOT have different datecreate and dateupdate info in the MSysObjects table...
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    Documenting a database

    Hi All Has anyone noticed that when in database detail (not list) view, looking at the forms objects screen for example, there is a "created" date and a "modified" date for each form , but when you look at the MsysObjects table, the "datecreate" and "dateUpdate" fields have the same info...
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    Refresh combo/form/subform with new record

    This is for a Seminars Database: I have a form with an unbound combobox (SeminarsCombo) in the header section used to select a Seminar. The detail section of the form is hidden. The "afterupdate" event of the combo causes the detail section to become visible and display info for the selected...
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    Custom combo list

    Hey Motleyjew, nice one. Never thought of that! Many thanks.
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    Custom combo list

    Hi All Is it possible to have a combo box where the available selections are derived from a table AND custom data. Situation: A master table has a list of publications, in format MMMYYYY, viz. JAN2007, MAR2007, MAY2007, etc (it's a bi-monthly journal) We are tracking advertisers in each...
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    Combo Box navigation/Parent-Child

    DOH! Thanks Bob, much appreciated. AlanM
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    Combo Box navigation/Parent-Child

    Hi Bob Thanks for that info. I thought that is what I have, but it still lists all child records in the combo: Combo Box properties_Data tab RowSourceType: Table/Query Row Source: SELECT [tblCompanies].[CompanyID], [tblCompanyUnits].[LocationNumber] FROM tblCompanies LEFT JOIN...
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    Combo Box navigation/Parent-Child

    Hi All I'm sure this is simple, I have a mental block on how to do it. I have two tables in a 1 to many relationship, TableOne and TableTwo. (ie. Company and Locations, linked on CompanyID.) My main form has a combo box to select a record from TableOne. This works OK, displaying TableOne...
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    Compare 2 tbls, all fields, rpt non-matching

    Table Compare Hi Wayne/DennisK :) Many thanks for your replies, that has helped me. I had a bit of a issue with moving to the next record in each table so that I was actually comparing what should be "matching"records, so I was wondering: if, and there shouldn't be, but could be, more...
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    Compare 2 tbls, all fields, rpt non-matching

    Hi All My problem: We update our accounting system customer details from an A2K db, via an export/import/ODBC interface. Works fine. Unfortunately the accounting system will not overwrite existing data with blank/null information. So when a customer's address changes from a two line address to...
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    export individual pdfs

    report to PDF This may also be of use: Cheers AlanM
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    Create individual reports for FTP

    Hi All Anyone had any experience of looping through a recordset, creating individual report files (preferably PDFs) based on customer/member number, and then FTP'ing each report to another location? We want to enable members to view reports on our website rather than send them in the mail, as...
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    Combine Portrait and Landscaped reports into single Snapshot report

    May be a way I had a need to do something similar, but with an individually-addressed portrait style letter preceding a landscape report for the addressee. Only way in AC2000 I found I could do this was to: - create the Access report as landscape - report header visible NO - page header...
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    Select and Delete a specific child record

    I have three tables: tblCompany (one to many) tblLocations (one to many) tblPersonnel. The relationships are all ERI with cascade updates (but not cascade deletes) I have a form showing company details (name etc from tblCompany) in the header with multiple subforms (each on a tab) for each of...
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    Finding unique field values across multiple records

    I have a need to identify unique values across multiple records that are attached to a higher level entity, and concatentate this information into a memo field attached to the higher level entity. Explanation: tblLocations: Location ID, name, address, etc One to many tblServiceTypeMatrix...
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    One-time populate two fields with "same" data

    Thanks Pat. Which prompts me to ask, is there a handy/quick reference guide to Access events anywhere? Regards Alanm
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    One-time populate two fields with "same" data

    Thanks for this, you prompted me to explore "if NewRecord". So I have now set the following: for the Form - On Open, lock the Shortname field for the CompanyName field - after Update, copy companyname (shortened) to Shortname for the Shortname field - on doubleClick, unlock the field for the...
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    One-time populate two fields with "same" data

    I have a Company form, a typical form with fields for capturing company names, address, phone etc. The two fields I have an issue with are: CompanyName: a regular text field for full company name ShortName: a regular text field for same data as above but with spaces/blanks removed (to be used...
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