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  1. S

    Maximum no. of chars in a combobox

    Hi Wayne, I did not think about the DLookUp method before you mentioned it. Maybe you can take a look at my form and give me your 2 cents worth. If the user types in something that can't be found in the database, there will be a form prompted for them to add the item to the database first...
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    Maximum no. of chars in a combobox

    The combobox consists description of all the items in the table. Users are able to add new records to the table through input into the combobox as well. That is why I have to let users fill up comboboxes by typing in. I think the maximum size is 50 chars and that's not a lot. :(
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    Forms questions...

    How abt subforms?
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    Maximum no. of chars in a combobox

    I entered around 230 words in my combobox and it says that I have entered too many characters. Why is that so?
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    Maximum no. of chars in a combobox

    What is the maximum no. of characters allowed in a combobox?
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    Order by in a report dynamically

    How do I set the Orderbyproperty in the OpenReport method?
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    Data on form not saved fast enough for display on report

    I set the form's property to be Edited Record. The write conflict message is no longer prompted. Thanks for everyone's time :D
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    Data on form not saved fast enough for display on report

    It displays the fields on the report now, but there's a write conflict when I click the cmdbutton. It says that the record has been saved and I will be saving it again. How can I get rid of that messagebox?
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    Data on form not saved fast enough for display on report

    I have a purchase order form that has a subform embedded. After users have filled up the form, they click on a button that will open up a print preview of a report. The report shows the details of the form they entered. However, all the fields on the parent form that are filled up after filling...
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    Order by in a report dynamically

    How do I let users choose the way they want to sort their reports through a form dynamically?
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    Combobox problem

    Thanks for your reply but one problem though, Im using Access97 and I cant open your db. Could you convert it for me?
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    Combobox problem

    I have a combobox that has a rowsource based on two fields, ItemCode and ItemDesc, in respective order. The combobox has its Limit to List property set to No and its bound to ItemCode. Filling up the combobox will fill up other fields such as UnitPrice and UOM. The problem that I face is when...
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    One to many relationship problem and its errors

    Yeah that's what I have in mind but sad to say, I don't know what to code to catch the error. Could someone guide me in this? :eek:
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    One to many relationship problem and its errors

    I have thought of a possible problem and that is when the user doesn't know whether the item they are going to type is new. They will proceed to type it in the combobox thinking this is an existing item in the table and the error will then occur. I have attached a sample db for you to try it...
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    One to many relationship problem and its errors

    I have four fields, ItemDesc, ItemCode, UnitPrice and UnitofMeasure(UOM). ItemDesc is a combobox and the rest r textfields. When the user types in ItemDesc and there's such an item in tblItemMaster, it will automatically fill up ItemCode, UnitPrice and UOM. However, I have a problem if the user...
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    Dmax and its format

    I want to create fields that are in the form IC0000001, IC0000002, etc. I can do the increment in the numbers by using the dmax function but how do I add the alphabets before it? How can I start with 0000001 instead of 1? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much! Swee
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    Examples of system documentation needed

    Hey all, I was wondering if anyone has an example of a system documentation that could be shared. I'm about to start writing one myself and I'm not sure what to include in the documentation. Thanks in advance! Regards, Swee
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    Opening a form based on individual record

    Thanks guys. Got it working using the OpenForm method.
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    Opening a form based on individual record

    All my records are displayed on a form. Upon clicking on their respective 'View' button, I would like to open that particular record. How can I do that? I have attached a screenshot for better clarity. Thanks in advance for the help! Regards, Swee
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    Can't import table from excel

    I have created an xls and its the same format as the table in my db. Same column name and same data type. However, when I try to import the xls to an existing table in my db, there was an error message that says, "An error occurred while trying to import file 'C:\MyDocuments\POSystem_Book.xls'...
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