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  1. M

    Calculating how many days left till deadline

    I have a table that has key dates for a production. Basically I am trying to create a QRY that can produce the actual date or the total amount of days left before the deadline date. But the catch is here: Example: Sales Begin Date (Field) 01/01/05 (Field Value) What I need: Deadline Date =...
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    Sharing DB on Network Multiple Users

    I have read previous posts but still am a lil confused on my current set-up. I have a Database that is placed in a network shared folder. For this folder we have a user group who only have "Read" access and we have a user group that has "Update" access to that folder. We are only letting...
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    Concantenation and Null Values

    I have a report where I want to place parentheses around a field in my query. I have used concantenation w/ the & and got it working fine. But, my problem comes where the value of the field is null. On the report intead of having my field value w/ parentheses I just have the parentheses...
  4. M

    Code to open the Access Database Window

    Initially, I do not have the Access Database Window open, but I'm creating a button to open or restore it. Can anyone help me with this line of code? Docmd....???? Thanks in advance. =)
  5. M

    Changing a Text Value in another form based on a Button Click

    I have a form named FRM_GPI and when the user changes a textbox value to No, I have a form comes up and asks "Are you sure you want to change?" This form is named Confirm_Change and has two buttons: Yes and No. If the user selects Yes On the form named: FRM_GPI, I want TEXTA.Text = "N/A"...
  6. M

    SQL Format String (Adding additional Text)

    I am trying to query a number field. My problem is that I want it to have a special format. I want to create a 6 character string for the number. If the number is not 6 characters long I want to be able to query a 6 digit number. Basically I just want to add zeroes to the number until it makes...
  7. M

    Sum (Sub-Total) QRY Help

    I have a query that has a field that sums the total of 3 other fields. My problem is whenever one of the 3 values is null, the subtotal does not work, but when all fields have a value it works perfectly fine. Is there a way to properly code this so that the field(s) that are null are given the...
  8. M

    Assign Default Value in Fields where = Null

    I have a form with number fields. I am trying to do this with my form: When the form is loaded it checks the number fields and if they are null I want to populate their value as 0 (zero). Can someone help me with the proper coding in a generic format: Field names: Number1, Number2, Number3...
  9. M

    Print Macro STOPS after a certain amount of records

    I believe I have a similar problem to this previous post: I currently have a form that has several subform pages. I have a PRINTALL Macro that does this: GoToControl: Subform1 PrintOut: Selection GoToControl...
  10. M

    LIKE function in a Query

    I have a form (FRM_X) that that has a text box w/ the primary key value (Dir Num). I also have a subform inside FRM_X called FORM_X_sub. I am trying to create a query for the subform that retrieves records like the value in the Dir Num text box. My main concern is that I also have several...
  11. M

    Using Switch Board Manager to Open Hyperlink to MSWord Doc

    I'm using the switchboard manager for my database. I want one the buttons to be able to open a MS Word Document. Basically, I need help creating a macro that opens a word file on a specified network address. Ex. The word file is located on the network X-Drive address...
  12. M

    Update Query Issue erasing current data

    Scenario: I currently have 2 tables, Table_X and Table_X_Import. Both tables are identical in structure. I receive my data from Table_X_Import from an Excel spreadsheet. Anyways, Data in Table_X has established data in all fields. When I import data into Table_X_Import, I only have some fields...
  13. M

    Running Append/Update Queries

    I currently have a macro that does a process of of appending and updating data from table to table. This macro works on the click of a button. Can someone help me with creating VB Code to run these queries without having to use macros? Generic field names would work fine to translate to my...
  14. M

    Changing a text boxes properties based on value of another textbox

    I have a form with a combo box with the values Yes or No. If the value on the combo box is Yes, I want the property of another text box to be shaded out or non-editable (textbox to be readable but not editable). But if the combo box value is No I want that other textbox to be accessible to...
  15. M

    Update/Append Query Problems

    I was wondering if I was approaching this the right way.... I have 2 tables: TableX and TableX_Import. These are identical tables with the same primary keys and fields. I am trying to use an append query to add new records from TableX_Import to TableX. After that I use an update query that...
  16. M

    Form based on QRY...

    Currently I have a form based on a query that recieves criteria from the user. The problem I'm having is whenver there are no records found for that query the form does not show up. On some of my previous projects, even though no records found, the form would show up with blank fields. I was...
  17. M

    Error Msg Macro that pops up when no records found

    I have a form that a user chooses criteria to query the data in a table. After the user chooses the data they click on a button that opens a form based on a query that pulls from the criteria the user picked. I want to display a msg box saying "no records found" if the query has no values in...
  18. M

    Append / Update Query Question?

    I am appending data from one table to another. I was wondering once I use an append query to transfer data from TABLE1 to TABLE2, is TABLE2's data already updated? Are append queries the same as an update?? Basically I just want to ensure my data is saved into the table safely. Thanks for any...
  19. M

    Criteria Question??

    I know of the "Like" Operator. It chooses records with any value that starts with..... (eg. Criteria: Like "X*"). This brings only fields that start with X. Is there a criteria operator that can bring me all the values with "X" in it, not just the begining value??
  20. M

    Query/SubQuery that sorts and totals

    I need help creating a query that searches filters a certain field. (TelcoID) I want to be able to query certain crtiteria within the TelcoID, such as values with "X" in it. Then after querying values with "X" in it. I need to query records with "C" in it from the "X" query. For each query I...
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