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  1. J

    Another Security Puzzle!

    Just wondering, Can we hide the queries? by code or without it?? thanx ..
  2. J

    Sequence Numbers!!!

    Like Mr Kappler You said you found a solution to the nuber sequencing. Would you kindly let me know what you did ?
  3. J

    Please support these forums

    I already did in some best arabic programming forums.
  4. J


    thx uncle Gizmo, hope u will be caught by some1 :-)..
  5. J

    Opening MSAccess Form from Desktop shortcut without Access window itself opening

    why don't u change some properties of the form: In other, change the pop-up to yes & in ONOpen Event Put the code DoCmd.Maximise it will work just fine.
  6. J

    Split Code Maybe?

    thx mailman, i meant reduce the code not eliminate.. the Dlookup worked just fine.
  7. J

    Split Code Maybe?

    thx mailman 4 your advice, but u know my real code is with 5 digits -texts- so i'm eliminating this way nb of unneccesary fields.. An invitation to the truth
  8. J

    how 2 use RECORDSET?

    well i'm french educated.. really language barrier.. i'll still wait!!
  9. J

    Split Code Maybe?

    thx mailman, i'll try it & tell u.. btw the code i put in the 3rd table isn't the key..
  10. J

    Split Code Maybe?

    Hello there, i have 2 tables Table Name Fields Type Field Type Stages : StageID (Number,Integer) - StageName Text Majors : MajorID (Text, 1 -could be a, b, c ..- ) - MajorName Text i made a third table...
  11. J

    how 2 use RECORDSET?

    Thx Wayne, this is not what i wanted Here's my target tables's structure : i have an autonb field a field "A" --->Type text 4 Nb of fields (this depends from other table RECORDS) X with Nb-->integer type A field Note As Text 130 .. i will create a nb of tables like this but each time this X...
  12. J

    how 2 use RECORDSET?

    thx 4 yr reply Wayne Really so it doesn't help in the creation of multi-same type fields? Here's my target tables's structure : i have an autonb field a field "A" text 4 Nb of fields (this depends from other table RECORDS) X with Nb-->integer type A field Note As Text 130 .. i will create...
  13. J

    how 2 use RECORDSET?

    Hello there, I’ve been told that I can use the “Recordset” & “Recorset Type” in order to create table with multiple same type fields but with different captions, & in order to do this I must add the ADO 6 or DAO 6 library , how? I don’t how to add the ADO or DAO 6 for only I havr the...
  14. J

    Create Table's fields from another's Records

    can't any1 do it ? I will reexplain it: how can i convert from lines 2 columns ???? Let's say in Table1 : IDField ... unimportant 2 me Field1 ... from this field i want to count the NUMBER of records & create a new table B which the nb of fields must be = 2 the nb of records in A (Type INTEGER ...
  15. J

    Create Table's fields from another's Records

    Hello all, Who can help me to automatically create tables by using a table. I have a table where i store records, I want these records to be the fields of another table B.. How can i automate this process without manually create the tables?
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