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    Active Content in this file is blocked. Review your trust center setting

    Hi, I have copied my db to new pc and and the above msg is appearing and db cant run. I opened trust center and selected "Enable all macros (not recommended.......) in Macro Setting also I selected "Enable all controls without restrictions and without promting...(last option selected) Still...
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    Running Sum Using Query

    Hello, This query created to produce Running Sum of the invoices of same customer. But even it producing double amount when there only one invoice for that particular customer. Previous I used this query and it was working. May be there has been changed somewhere which I didnt clear about...
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    Want to know about "Select Top 1000 Rows"

    Hi, Since SQL Server commands are not that much familier I am with, I like to know about below to menu when I right click on my sql server tbl. Select Top 1000 Rows Edit Top 200 rows In second menu (Edit Top 200 rows) I can make changes in records as requires but records are more that 200 so...
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    Solved How to change date portion at beginning

    Hi, I have following date data received from a website. I collected these dates in Excel. Basically this is Immigration Entries at the airport that show a person has immigrated on so n so date and time. But airlines date format is typical like below. 00:29:19*2008-12-25 14:25:20*2009-09-17...
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    Solved VBA Code to generate email and place query result in Message body

    I want my query result to appear in my email in a form of formatted html table using this code. The email is being generated but query data is with attachment and not in the massage area. Dim strEmailSubject, strEmailText, olNewEmail As String Dim strMailList, StrCC As String StrCC =...
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    "Run-time error - 3219 Invalid Operation

    Hi, I am relinking Access tbls from BE to FE both are Ms Access db but while executing below code , I am receiving "Run-time error - 3219" on line "tdf.Connect = strConnect" in below tbl Relinking code. Dim strDbFile As String Dim strPassword As String Dim strConnect As String strDbFile...
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    Run-time error 52 Bad file name or number

    Hello, I have 2 is backend where 5-6 tables are existing and those are linked in main db. Since the use want to have backup of his backend db I started searching code to have daily back up. Later on I got following vba ready code somewhere on net to take backup of Ms Access db...
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    Sum of Subform Values And Store In MainForm Field

    Hi, I have main form (F_CrSalesInvoice) and subform ( SF_CrSalesInvoice_Footer) for invoicing. with InvNum in both forms related with one-to-many. Other than many fields my main form contains a field called "Amount". When I save the invoice I want to sum total records from subform where...
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    Solved Looking For Loop To Count Total Actual Days From 2 Dates

    Hi, I have 2 date fields as follows : CExpDateOfJoining LastWorkingDay Example: 10/02/2017 as CExpDateOfJoining 31/05/2022 as LastWorkingDay I m looking for a Access VBA Code loop (possibly using Do While) that will count actual days in that year Means: Year 2017 from 10 Feb 2017 to 31 Dec...
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    Form btns of Access 2007 not working in Access 2016

    Hi, This might have happened with many of us and they were helped by forum members. So I hope the same for myself.:) I just copied one of my db from Access 2007 and opened in Access 2016 with no code in errors but found strange thing that no buttons on the forms are workable where as if I...
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    Solved Run-time error 3146 - ODBC call failed..

    Hi, Suddenly I facing ODBC call failed issue to store record in a linked table... I had previously stored 3-4 records and there were no issue but this error occurred today. My net connection is also fine MemoID is autonumber field.... Could you please help me. Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst...
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    Run-time error 11 - Division by zero

    I tried to calculated 2 text boxes value when there is value in both. But when both are null or any of them is null then I am getting "Run-time error 11 - Division by zero" for my this line : Nz(CLng(TxtAccSaudiPercent.Value), 0) = Nz(CLng(TxtSaudiAccounts.Value), 0) * (100 /...
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    Run-time error 3122

    Hi, Can you correct me in this code? Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT CDept,CNationalityExp,ProffGroupName, ProffGroupCode, CLastWorkingDate, CCrNumber, Count(T_JobOffer.LetterRefNumber) AS CountOfLetterRefNumber FROM T_JobOffer" & _ " GROUP BY T_JobOffer.CDept...
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    Run-time error 2342 - A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL Statement

    My db contains a table called T_JobOffer where in 10s of job offer letter are available with diff data like departments, ProfessionName, ProfessionCode, Nationality etc. I want to count the number of Expatriates worker and Local National Worker by Profession wize and Department wize. So we know...
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    Graph Producing Error in Access 365

    Hi, I would like to know if there is any specific lib file or trick or code to run my Access db in Access 365 version. Bcz it is working with all Access version from 2007 till 2016 except Access 365 particularly graph is not running. (not finding subform textbox data) My General Manager has...
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    Solved Where Is Syntax Error In My Code - Run-time Error 3075

    Hello, For some reason, I would like to change company name (in 2 languages) and CR (Certificated of Registraton) in tble T_JobOffer with condtion if a particular CNo (candidate number) is what is at present on the form. In compilation no error found but at execution it produces Error 3075...
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    Solved Percentage Calculation Issue On Report

    Hi, I have attached my db with least records. I was trying the show the percentage of employees different nationalities working in each dept which will show on click of the btn 'Show %age' on GRAPH tab of form. All unbound small text boxes shows percentage vertically under the each dept in...
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    Code To Use At Form And Report

    Hello, I have some working code in a Sub xxx() for the graph that placed on a form. This code was used for chart. The same chart I have placed on the report to send it concerned authorities in pdf. The graph in report is ok but some calculated figures which are appearing in the form are not...
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    Can a btn or text box be placed up on graph?

    Hi, I would like to know if any unbound text box or a command btn can be on a graph that placed on a form. I tried to keep one unbound text box over to graph / chart wherein some calculated value will appear after clicking a command btn. I tried but it is going behind graph and only appearing...
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    Yet Another Query Prob

    Hi, My this query I created is presenting department wize employees including all nationalities. TRANSFORM Count(T_JobOffer.[CDept]) AS CountOfCDept SELECT T_JobOffer.[CDept] FROM T_JobOffer GROUP BY T_JobOffer.[CDept] ORDER BY T_JobOffer.[CDept] PIVOT T_JobOffer.[CNationality]; There is a...
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