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  1. C

    Store Global Const Values in a Table...?

    Thanks for the prompt reply Ok so pretend I dont want to change them. I just want to store them in a table instead of in the VBA code. I see your point, constant is the wrong word...if you have a better suggestion to solve this problem as described above I am interested. Thanks again!! :)
  2. C

    Store Global Const Values in a Table...?

    I currently have a module that has global variables set at the top. I would like to however store these values in a table so that I can build a form for someone who does not know VB and they can go to the form and change the settings, or values of the global variables. I would like to set the...
  3. C

    How to Compare Two Database's Data...?

    Thanks sfreeman - unfortunately I have at least 120 tables in this thing and unless there is a way to automate linking them this will be very tedious I have a very cool script that compares two tables to a decent level of detail but again this is at the database level vs the table level How...
  4. C

    How to Compare Two Database's Data...?

    Hello all- I need to compare two different datasets of identical databases. BY this i mean that I have two databases with identical structure (tables, fieldnames etc) however in one of the databases, some of the data has changed. I need to see the differences in what has changed similar to the...
  5. C

    Open Import dialog via VBA...

    hahaha...jerk :p jk - Thanks alot! thats awesome! I knew it was something simple there isnt a way to pass in default properties for that is there? like as far as file type and the directory path to look in?? if not, no worries but would be cool to add... - THANKS AGAN!! :cool:
  6. C

    Create new Access Database in code?

  7. C

    Open Import dialog via VBA...

    Hi all - this is probably easy but I cannot find functioning code for this for the life of me.. How can I open the Import dialog box from VBA? I have a button on a form that reads "Import..." and upon clicking it i would like it to trigger the import box. This will become a function called in...
  8. C

    Programatically change datatype?

    THe problem with this is that i cannot run calculations for my reports on text values ;) Thanks guys! :D
  9. C

    Programatically change datatype?

    on the fly? elaborate please thanks!
  10. C

    Programatically change datatype?

    Anyone have any ideas how to create a function that would change the datatype of a table field?? I have data that is imported to access so it is put in as text and I am hoping to run a macro to convert the text field to a DATE field so that the report can properly calculate things. Thanks in...
  11. C

    Output query to access table

    No you dont. Set up a linked table from your external database to Access (you can use ODBC). Then set your query as an Append Query and dump the results into the linked external table. no exporting. no excel. all you have to do is open the query. Hope this helps.. ;)
  12. C

    Access Equivalent to Excel's COUNTIF function??

    like this? =Sum(IIf((Now()-[KLIXLAST_LOGIN])<46,1,0)) ...? #Error :( KLIXLAST_LOGIN is a field bound to a table - date datatype. thanks though
  13. C

    Access Equivalent to Excel's COUNTIF function??

    Hi Pat - thanks for responding and confirming that i have not lost my sanity this is the formula i am using which produces the #Error message: =Sum(IIf([txtDaysSinceLastLogin]<46,1,0)) any other thoughts?
  14. C

    Access Equivalent to Excel's COUNTIF function??

    HI All- The title sorta sums this one up.. What is the best way in Access 2000 (expression builder) to replicate the COUNTIF functionality of Excel In case you are not familiar with this, it essentially scans a field and counts the number of a specified instance. So my text box calculates...
  15. C

    Advance Recordset and Trigger a Function...?

    nevermind then.
  16. C

    Advance Recordset and Trigger a Function...?

    hi all - I have a form with a lot of records in it ( > 150) on this form is a button which generates a word document report based on the info in the form I need to create a macro/function that will trigger the report generation function advance the form recordset and repeat until it gets to...
  17. C

    INSERT data to MS Access via SQL?

    no i am not trying to run queries. I am trying to populate an Access table with SQL statements. I had a file continaing INSERT statements with the data embedded in them and was looking for a place to put those INSERTs but apparently there isnt one. I have come up with an alternate process for...
  18. C

    INSERT data to MS Access via SQL?

    HI all- I have a list of INSERT statements (SQL DML) and I wish to insert this data into an MS Access 2000 table Unfortunately I cannot find a mechanism to accomplish this in Access. Does one exist? How can I import this data into access in a SQL format? Thanks in advance!
  19. C

    Print Reports to PDF Programmatically..

    Hello- I have a MS Access app that has a form with a list of information. There is a preview button on it that calls VB code which appears to generate a Report on the fly. What I am looking for help with is to then take this report and print it to a PDF. I have run through the process manually...
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