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  1. T

    Echo On: "NO"

    Where and how do I write in this code that is a command button to open up a form to set the Echo off. I know how to do it in a marco but not how to write it in VB code. Below is the VB code for my "open form" button... Private Sub LookUpOpenFormButton_Click() On Error GoTo...
  2. T

    Update Table with Option Group Label

    I have a unbound field form that I am using as a survey. For one example I have a question with several different optional answers (1=high, 2=medium, 3=low) How and where should I update my table with the actual answer if a user picks button 1, 2 or 3 to read in my table high, medium or low.
  3. T

    Help using DLookup

    I need to fix my form (ie survey) so that a user can only scroll through the current page and not to another record using the mouse scroll button. I'm having trouble using the Dlookup function. Please help
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