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  1. F

    Sum problem

    I have a report with a sub report, I have added a text box to the report which adds the values from one field in the report to one in the sub report. I am trying to add a total of this text box to the footer but I keep getting an error # I am suring I am doing something reasonable basic wrong...
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    Invalid argument

    Sorry to waste anyones time I should have tried a compact and repair before posting. All sorted now
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    Invalid argument

    I am running a number of queries etc linked to sql tables (access 2003). Everything runs fine but in the last couple of days when ever I try and save a query , even one which has not been modified in any way, i get a very simple error message which just says Invalid Argument. The only thing of...
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    A variation on the #Name? problem

    Thanks Bob We have not installed SP 3 on any of the pc's in the office. We are now checking the references ....
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    A variation on the #Name? problem

    Hi Guys, Apologies for only appearing on hear when I have a problem.... We have a database on a common drive which is accessed by several people, its nothing overly complicated and is a good few years old. it has just been converted from 97 to Access 2003. In forms with date functions some of...
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    Access 2003 Report problem

    Thanks Bob I have checked with our IT guys and we have not installed SP 3 on any of our machines. I can get the report properties, I can access the new report wizard as far as selecting the query and then nothing ....
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    Access 2003 Report problem

    I wonder if anyone can help on this, I have a database , primarily for my own use which I have put on a common drive as some else now needs to use it. From My PC I can access all of the data etc on this copied database, but on the other PC I can't get at the reports. They are showing as there...
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    Sorry to come back again guys....... I have an Access front end, linked to a sql database. I am trying to get other users access to the reports i run by rolling it our in runtime mode. I have packaged it using the wizard but the reports won't run (They do seem ok on another PC which has full...
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    Access and Sharepoint

    Thanks Len Now that sounds like the sort publicity which has been believed here, which management seem to have taken as Access / Sharepoint are interlinked. Where as in truth Access can get data held on Sharepont.
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    Access and Sharepoint

    Access Junkie Sorry for the delay, once Bob had responded I didn't come back until I hit further snags (I am afraid i am one of those who have little input and only come on here crying for help) The situation has moved on and we have now got developers tools and are testing Runtime. thats why...
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    Forms and the Intranet

    Unfortunately IT do not want everyone who may wish to run the reports to have Access on thier PC's . That also don't want individual stand only DB's spring up all over the place. But if that is the only option.....
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    Forms and the Intranet

    My database uses forms to specify various criteria for queries and then to run reports based on these queries. It has been suggested that other areas of my company might like to share my reports etc. So I have been given a brief of finding the most cost effective way of sharing my DB. Seperate...
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    Access runtime 2003

    Thanks I had read that and that does indicate that whilst access allows you to prepare the product for distribution , it does not give you the tools (package wizard) , or allow you, to distibute it . Also it does appear to be aimed at those who will be distributing externally (hence the...
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    Access runtime 2003

    We are considering rolling out a number of access reports to users within our organisation who currently do not have access installed, nor do we want them to. Run time seems the obvious route. I see the runtime module is included in Access 2003 but I cant see if you have to install Access on the...
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    Access and Sharepoint

    Thanks Bob , that was a quick response, Sharepoint uses SQL server, what would I need to write forms reports etc so that users could access the data through sharepoint (or as I suspect from your first comment, am I barking up the wrong tree)
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    Exchange Rate

    Having used exchange rates on our system extensively, but not linked to access database, we used the Weekly FT rates (but we were using 50 + currencies) We had problems with copyright in the early days... The problem with exchange rates is that they are generally reported on websites as either...
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    Access and Sharepoint

    Apologies if this sounds vague , but I have developed a number of reports for an sql database which have selection criteria in certain forms. nothing too sophisticated . The company wants to increase the availability of the reports and the selection forms. Unfortunately Access on everyones PC is...
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    data access forms and queries

    I can do that bit, its replicating it if the "form" is a data access page, which I am having trouble with........
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    data access forms and queries

    I have a query which shows data according to a field on a form. I am trying to get this across the department on the intranet, so I replicated the form as a data access page but i can't see how to link the Criteria row on the paricular column in my query with the field on my data Access form...
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    data access forms and queries

    I have a query which shows data according to a field on a form. I am trying to get this across the department on the intranet, so I replicated the form as a data access page but i can't see how to link the Criteria row on the paricular column in my query with the field on my data Access form...
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