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  1. iankerry

    Solved saving a record twice

    Hi Guys, I am not a very experienced programmer, so please bear with my code! I needed to write this code, because I needed to create a new record in a FILM table, and at the same time create a new record in a FILM_COPIES` using the value of the newly created FilmID to place in the field...
  2. iankerry

    Too Many Arguments

    Hi all, I have taken over some code and am struggling with a part of it. The code below works fine and does what it needs to do. I have added a couple of new fields to it, and that was fine too. However, I have reached the point where i can't add anymore fields as I get "too many arguments"...
  3. iankerry

    Life After Access

    Hi all, Hope this is the right place to put this. For 20 years I have developed a pretty good database system for looking after pretty much every aspect of the 1200 events we put on as a charity (arts alive and flicks in the sticks). We have an SQL sever (online), and an Access front end...
  4. iankerry

    list of records that DON'T appear in another table

    Hi Guys I have been trying to work this out using posts from previous queries, but i cant seem to fathom it out. i have a table called Venues and a table called EventsFlicks. they are connected by fields Venues.ID and EventsFlicks. VenueID. What I would like to have is a list of venues that...
  5. iankerry

    why does my code miss out a record?

    Hi All, have been scratching more than my head about this one for sometime. hope i can explain it properly. i have a database with 1000 records on it. on a form i will have a filter on which shows me all the events coming up for one venue. i have a button which if pressed generates an email...
  6. iankerry

    returning a list where they dont have a record!

    Hi, hope you can help. I have two tables: Venues and Events. The Events table has a field called VenueID which tells me which venue the events will be at. What I would like is a list of venues that haven't booked for the coming season. so within a given date period, I would like a list of...
  7. iankerry

    format a currency field within arrSummaryData

    Hi Folks I have the following code: f OpenConnection Then If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close rs.Open SQL, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If Not rs.EOF Then dblRecord = rs.RecordCount ReDim arrSummaryData(1 To dblRecord)...
  8. iankerry

    Validation - No Spaces

    Hi All I have a text box that holds the name of an image - and i want users to NOT use a space in the filename. Is it possible to validate for No Spaces? I searched on this forum but could not spot an answer.... Thanks ian
  9. iankerry

    DateFormat Issue in an Insert Into Routine

    Hi I have a routine that writes to an excel sheet from my database in the exact format i need to import into Quickbooks UK. It all works well except for this routine which inserts a line, but it puts the date in the american format rather than UK. I can't seem to find out how to make the...
  10. iankerry

    internet search and %20

    Hi I have a button on my form which when pressed goes to and does a search for the film name that is on the record. This used to work but now I get a %20 instead of spaces when I arrive at the imdb site. (127%20Hours instead of 127 hours) I think I have to use underscore in the film...
  11. iankerry

    Unique query is giving duplicates

    Hi All, I don't know if you can help. I have a unique query which lists all the films that we are screening over the next 3 months. I have added a COUNT field so that I can see how many of each films we are screening. The problem is that i get duplicates of some films - and this may be...
  12. iankerry

    Formatting Date within Do.Cmd.RunSQL

    Hi All I have a routine which keep putting in a date in the U.S. format and I am in the UK. I have tried to research and come up with a solution but still can't get it to work. Does anyone have any clues please? Application.DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO temp_tbl_QBData([flicksfeedbackleft]...
  13. iankerry

    access mailmerge to word including image

    Hi All Thanks to the forum I have managed to do 95% of what i need to do. I have a database of film events, for which i have to do posters. With the click of a button on a form, access opens word and puts all the fields in, including a field called [photo], which is the name of the image...
  14. iankerry

    New Error Message Cannot Open Database

    Hi All, I have been using this button for years and it has always worked. The button puts info from the database into an email). But suddenly I get the error -2147467259 ODBC "Cannot open database (unknown). It may not be a database that your application recognizes or the file may be corrupt"...
  15. iankerry

    turning a variable into Text for an email

    Hi All, I have been wrestling with what i think is probably fairly simple! I use my Events database to create an email which includes all the details of an event. One variable I have is [owndvd], which is a tick box, and therefore holds a "True" or "False". To create the email I use (there...
  16. iankerry

    getting a number form a string

    Hi All I get an email from our website, with the subject heading: Promoter feedback - 23232, Bosbury Parish Hall I want to get the number and pass it over to Access to find that particular record. First stage is to 'capture' the number. With help from others I have this so far: out_eventid...
  17. iankerry

    understanding what i am doing so i can solve the issues!

    Hi All I have spent the morning trying to work out where i am going wrong, and to try and understand what i am doing, but have failed. I have googled some of the error messages i have received and though i have solved them. Because i am not much of a programmer, i think i must be missing some...
  18. iankerry

    characters found after end of SQL statement

    Hi I have been trying to solve this for over an hour, and i'll bet it is something stupid. I have four line of SQL = statements. Two to select the fields, one as a from and one as a WHERE. The most important one, and the one that is giving me trouble. (i know this because if i REM it out the...
  19. iankerry

    argument not optional on CALL

    Hi I hope someone can help. I am on Access 2010 I have a line that says Call DoRemote (strEmail, arrSummaryData(i).strPromoterName, arrSummaryData(i).dtDatefield, arrSummaryData(i).strFilmName, arrSummaryData(i).strVenue, arrSummaryData(i).curAdultTP, arrSummaryData(i).curChildTP...
  20. iankerry

    same code - differing dbases - different errors!

    Hi All I am using Access 2010 I have two similar databases for tracking LIve events and Film Events. They both reside on my computer. I have some code that works in one, but i recently copies it into the other and received error messages. I check the References and both were exactly the...
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