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  1. Y

    Access Front End/SQL Backend

    Ah Ha! I found the answer (unfortunatly not in a packet of smarties, although I shall go eat some incase they give me a better one)
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    Access Front End/SQL Backend

    Hi, I'm having a very similar error. I can create new records, but cant modify existing ones. It throws up a write error and again I'm the only person in it (its on my desktop and is still in the design phase) I have already created 3 databases that run off this SQl server and only ever got...
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    Opening Access From Excel

    Thanks for the response :) I managed to get it sort of, its a work around, but it works hehe I get the form to open when the database opens (its pretty much the only form anyway, everything else can be accessed form it) and for it to open with the find box opened. And Excel runs this code...
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    Opening Access From Excel

    Hi all, I have a program in which I would like to open an access database (which has a form on open). however the code I have only works every second time I run the code, and to be honest, I have no idea why. I have tried multiple things, but none of them work (any more than every second try)...
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    how to launch an access query / macro from excel ?

    Hi mate, this should work Sub AccessTest1() Dim A As Object Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set A = CreateObject("Access.Application") A.Visible = False A.OpenCurrentDatabase ("Path of your database") A.DoCmd.RunMacro "Name of your macro"...
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    Curious recordset error

    Fantastic :) worked perfectly :D thanks!
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    Curious recordset error

    Yup query is correct, I copied it straight from a created query that runs fine, and I just doubled checked it. Erm, I think I'm using DAO, I'm on access 2000 as well, and I know the default is ADO, but I'm sure its DAO I'm using
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    Curious recordset error

    Hi, I have a program that on a button click runs a query, and on completion decides to send an email to a recipient based on the amount of results. However its crashing on trying to open the recordset, I have no idea why as I use an alomst exactly the same code segment in many of my other...
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    Alternative to replication?

    Thanks :o
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    Alternative to replication?

    *feels daft* Erm, whats a kb article :S
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    Alternative to replication?

    Yeah that was my work around I was planning on, erm I should have expanded on my replication problem to be honest, l I need about 7 seperate version, but yeah link tables was what I was planning on, long term plan is to move the back end onto SQL
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    Alternative to replication?

    I am having multiple user problems with access 2000 quite frequently, and I thought that replication would solve this, as it stands however its proving difficult to get my hands on the developer edition, just wondering, is it worth the hassle to get it, or is there an effective alternative to...
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    Report error when quering via year

    You guys are like some kind of ultra super life savers!!! Many thanks to everyone that helped me, and I can only hope that some time in the future when my knowledge is a bit better that I can be as much help to an aspiring access programmer as you guys where to me! Thanks :)
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    Report error when quering via year

    Hmm, thats the wierd thing though, in my cross tab the 2 tables I have are a month table, with just the month number and month name, and my main table, the cross tab works fine for all years up to 2005, but then again, so did the previous query, but when I try it for 2005, it just returns up to...
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    Report error when quering via year

    *slaps head* Well, that was stupid of me Here you go, hope it helps!
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    Report error when quering via year

    just wondering if anyone has anymore ideas about this? If needed I can email the stripped down database to people, but I dont seem to be able to upload it
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    Report error when quering via year

    Erm, ok, I have a condensed version of the database, but how do I attach it to the forum? When I manage attachments it just says invalid file type, since its an access database
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    Report error when quering via year

    Can do, I'll post it once I strip it down
  19. Y

    Report error when quering via year

    Blast it, no love there, It didnt create the records, I dont really know why, it should, but its not The preCrosstab Queries sql is SELECT [Sales History].ITEM_NUMBER, Month.Month, Year([TRANSACTION_DATE]) AS [Year], [Sales History].VALUE_AT_BUYING_PRICE FROM [Month] LEFT JOIN [Sales History]...
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    Report error when quering via year

    oh right, I just did it through the normal access drop down menus, I actually havent touched my sql, thanks I'll give that a shot though :) Oh wait I think I get what you mean, have a query run before hand then run the crosstab from that?
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