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  1. V

    Find Name of Open Query

    the output file is an excel sheet. the user has a refresh button on the excel sheet and that queries the db. i would like to know who's querying the db from the excel sheet. i figured i could write code on the excel sheet that would trigger some sort of append query in the db. but, if possible...
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    Find Name of Open Query

    I'm trying to create a usage log with three fields: user, date, and query they used. I'm able to append the user and date info to a table with problem. However I cant find the function that will append the name of the query the user opened. Can someone tell me how I can do this.
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    Close button reappearing even though close button property is set to "No"

    Re: Close button reappearing even though close button property is set to "No" :D this worked for me
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    Change Label Color on Focus or Enter

    OH .backstyle=1 thanks!
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    Change Label Color on Focus or Enter

    ok, solved the issue by modifying the code in this link
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    Change Label Color on Focus or Enter

    I'm trying to change the backcolor of a label when I select its data entry field but cant seem to get it right. I place the code below on the On Enter and also tried it on the On Got Focus property of the text box an nothing.....can someone help me out? Private Sub GreenBack() Dim Green As...
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    Linking files to a database from a specific folder

    try this...i modified the c drive check above and coded in the entire UNC name of your shared folder. that way if the file name does not start with the folder you want it will not save the file If Left(varFileName, 25) <> "\\abc\workgroup\serv1\rdt" Then MsgBox "Please attach a file from...
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    Inserting table tields as part of text

    got it! thanks!
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    Inserting table tields as part of text

    Actually what I want to do is query the record I want to send out. I will only be sending out the information for one record and need to include the data from those fields in the body. The link you mentioned has a reference to a form. would it work for a query? So would "Dear" &...
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    Inserting table tields as part of text

    yea, but I'm having a problem writing the reference. lets say the DB is name.mbd table is tbl_name field is Last how would I write the reference?
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    Inserting table tields as part of text

    I'm using the code below to send notes email from access. I'm trying to create the body of the email in a mail merge type of way. Can I write the static text in the code and insert reference to table fields? for example: "Dear Mr. [last name from table]" Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail...
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    Lotus Notes Error Trap

    I'm using the popular code below to send lotus mail from within access. However, I would like the function to exit if lotus notes is not currently running. Does anyone know how to modify this code so that if first checks to see if lotus is running and if its not to exit? Public Sub...
  13. V

    New Print Job on New Group???

    that sounds like it could be a possibility.....thanks!
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    New Print Job on New Group???

    is it possible to do it without creating a query for every grouping? The groups are dynamic and would require routine modification with this approach.
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    New Print Job on New Group???

    I have a report that needs to be broken up and distributed by group. Right now I'm breaking up the grouping manually. Is there a way to have access create new print jobs on each group? ex. group 1 - pages 1-3 group 2 - pages 5-6 So I would have two separate print jobs one for each group...
  16. V

    Nz Function in Business Days HELP!

    ok, I see it......yea, adding the Date() does fix the error messg...thank you :D now, if could ask you one final do I get the function to return "not available" if one of the two dates is null? I've tried and i get a mismatch error BegDate = CDate(Nz(BegDate,"not...
  17. V

    Nz Function in Business Days HELP!

    i get an invalid use of null error here, when i debug BegDate = CDate(BegDate)
  18. V

    Nz Function in Business Days HELP!

    I have a query that calculates business days. However if my end date is missing the query has error codes because the date its looking for is null. Can show me were to put the nz function. here's the module for the business days and here's the query
  19. V

    Pass-Through Query Help

    thank you! I analysed the exciting connection strings and found the right one. :D
  20. V

    Pass-Through Query Help

    I'm trying to create a PTQ and just cant seem to find the source table. The name of the source table is PRM1_ORG_MTRX3_N If I write my query like this, I get an error code that states username.PRM1_ORG_MTRX3_N is an undefined name. It adds my userid to the beginning of the table name. SELECT...
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