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  1. K

    ODBC Call Failed - End Users

    If you are sure that your connections are exactly the same, then it sounds like you will need to refresh the table links whenever the database is opened. I created some code behind a form a while ago that will do this, which I have attatched. You just need to set the username, password and...
  2. K

    List text in textbox

    Thanks, but how do I get the form working? I have created a continuous form based on a query, which I have added a parameter for the ID that looks for the same ID on another form that's open in the background. And the date is sorted in descending order. That's as far as I got, so how do I now...
  3. K

    List text in textbox

    I don't think I made it clear in the previous post. So I'll have another go :) I would like to have a log of comments with the newest being listed first. The comments are in a seperate table along with the date the comment was added, and the ID it relates to. The unbound textbox is what...
  4. K

    List text in textbox

    Hi Quick question, how would you advise I do the following. I have a form with an unbound textbox. What I would like to do is create some sort of log in a textbox with the newest listed at the top. I have a table with this information in that contains an ID, a memo field which lists the...
  5. K

    Adding text into a textbox

    Hi Is the following possible? I have the code to add the text to a textbox, but what I would like to do is rather than to keep adding the text onto the end. Make it so that it will add it before what I previously added, so that the newer data is always at the top. Can I do this? The...
  6. K

    NewBaby:Multiple Selection in ListBox!

    Or you could use the following example. Firstly take out the Record Source in the listbox properties. Open up vba, and copy the code changing the following bits of information:- Where you see List22 replace it with the name of your listbox. Replace Field Name and Table Name on the sSQL...
  7. K

    Error when populating listbox

    Thanks for that reply, it worked great :) I now have another problem though. Unfortunately some of the records that I'm placing in the listbox don't contain anything, so are null values. What I would like to do is create an If statement to say that If there are no records then display a...
  8. K

    Error when populating listbox

    Hi I've created a few listboxes before, which have all worked fine, but this one however keeps throwing up an error message. Can someone help with this, here is my code, and the highlighted section it debugs. Dim db As Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim sSQL As String Dim EmpID As Integer...
  9. K

    Need Help with Package Wizard

    Hi I hope someone can help on here with this. I am having problems using the package wizard. I can run through the first couple of steps on the package wizard, but when it asks for a language to cache, it fails to install the necessary files. I have found the resolution on the MS KB site about...
  10. K

    Skippping used mailing labels

    Woops, so it has. I'm such a noob, sometimes :rolleyes: I've imported the tables from the server now, so it should work.
  11. K

    Skippping used mailing labels

    Has anyone been able to look at this, because I could do with trying to get it to work for a db I'm creating at work. Thanks
  12. K

    Can't get text to display on AfterUpdate

    Still not working :( I have tried requerying both the combo boxes and the textbox that counts the number of days, but it didn't do anything. I'll post my If statement anyway. This statement is the same in both the AfterUpdate events of the two combo boxes, and the form durrent event. If Not...
  13. K

    Can't get text to display on AfterUpdate

    Hi I'm having problems trying to get an If statement working on my form. What I have is a form with two combo boxes linked to a Calendar when you click on the arrow. I can get the dates I select from the calendar into the combo boxes which works perfectly. What I wanted to do then was create a...
  14. K

    Skippping used mailing labels

    Tried that and it's still going into some sort of loop, where I can just keep clicking forward over 100+ pages. :( I've zipped it up anyway, so if anyone could take a look at it, then that would be great. :) Anyway, thanks for the help so far ghudson.
  15. K

    Skippping used mailing labels

    Thanks, I've just tried your code, but I'm now getting a type mismatch error now, on the code behind the report. I've highlighted the line it refers to. Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) LabelInitialize End Sub Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As...
  16. K

    Skippping used mailing labels

    Hi I have created a report for labels using the Label Wizard, and found the code on the MS KB about skipping the labels that have already been used, and printing on the next one along. Page on MS KB When I try using this code in Access 2003 however, it seems to go into some sort of loop, and...
  17. K

    Message Boxes

    Hi Is it possible to set events for the buttons on a message box? For example if I create a Message Box when someone clicks on a button, and set it to vbYesNo, can I then create an open form event on the yes button, and a close acform event on the no button. Thanks
  18. K

    Need help modifying DSNStripper code to Oracle

    Hi I found the DSNStripper add-in on mvps, nice little tool. But I would like to try and get it to work with linked tables from Oracle and make them DSN-less. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do this? I don't really understand how the code works, but I have changed what I think are...
  19. K

    Audit Trail Problem

    Yeah, that's right. It was a long day :rolleyes:. The code for one of the working subforms is as follows: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Function Audit_Trail_WP_Details(frm As Form) On Error GoTo Err_Audit_Trail 'ACC2000: How to Create an Audit Trail of Record Changes...
  20. K

    Audit Trail Problem

    Got a problem with that audit trail that has been posted on here. Basically I can get it to work on all put one subform, and I don't know why. I have a main form with a tab control placed on it containing all of the subforms in my db. On the form it doesn't work on it seems to be inputting...
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