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  1. C

    Export to CSV

    Nevermind. Attempted a different approach. Used a Make-Table query to create a real table from the linked .csv table. Then exported from that table, worked just fine.
  2. C

    Export to CSV

    I am trying to do something very simple but for some reason I can not get this to work. I have a linked .csv table: (s:\pctools\admin\template\sadirect\SellerFeesReport.CSV) and I am using query 'dupSellerFeesReport' that does a simple group by to get rid of all duplicate accounts (if they...
  3. C

    Mail Inventory

    Thanks for the reply. I have actually managed to figure out what I needed to do with this. I was just looking for input and suggestions during my planning phase.
  4. C

    Mail Inventory

    Hello all. I am in need of some intelligent brains =) I have a barcode scanner (Videx LaserLite DuraTrax) that I am using to scan the barcode of all the mail we receive. I am attempting to come up with a common characteristic between each mail company (DHL, Fedex, UPS, USPS) that would allow me...
  5. C

    CSS Question

    Can someone help me figure out how to make this work. I am wanting for each page I make to import my CSS file. My current code: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="layout.css"> this works with every page that is located in the root directory with the CSS file present there. What I...
  6. C

    StartDate/EndDate question.

    Thanks for the assistance, I decided to follow something a little different. If Nz(StartDate3, "") = "" Or Nz(EndDate3, "") = "" Then DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAgedbyAssociate", acViewPreview, , "UserName Like '*" & Me.assocbox1.Column(1) & "'" Else DoCmd.OpenReport...
  7. C

    StartDate/EndDate question.

    Would it look like this? Is that right? DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAgedbyAssociate", acViewPreview,, Like IIf([frmSupervisorOverview]![Associate]![StartDate3]="","*","*" & [frmSupervisorOverview]![Associate]![EndDate3] & "*")
  8. C

    call to a macro in a module

    Agreed. I would try to steer clear from macro's just for the benefit of being able to troubleshoot better. Why not in a module use: DoCmd.OpenReport "Reportname", acViewPreview and then just call the module in the page, say you have a button for them to press, choose a onclick event. In that...
  9. C

    StartDate/EndDate question.

    I have the below code which works great. I would like to make an addition to this code where it will pull up all of the accounts if no date is entered into the startdate/enddate text boxes. I know I need to add the * somewhere, but not sure where. Thanks in advance. DoCmd.OpenReport...
  10. C

    List Boxes

    I am having a similar issue to this, Mine works... I double-click the name and its in the textbox.. only problem is it doesnt let me do multiple names, it basically jsut writes over it... never letting me have more than 1 name. My code is below, thanks for hte help in advance. Private Sub...
  11. C

    Followhyperlink excel

    from what i gathered looking at the vba in excel. You would need something like this. Private Sub cmdOpenExcel_Click() Dim xlObj As New Excel.Application FollowHyperlink "C:\ExcelReport.xls" xlObj.ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized End Sub I think that might work for you.
  12. C

    Suppressing Alerts in Access

    DoCmd.SetWarnings False to turn them off. I believe this is what you want.
  13. C

    Need Help with a File Dialogue

    You're the man. I think this will work and it looks easy to understand.
  14. C

    Need Help with a File Dialogue

    Can anyone help me out I am trying to create a command button (cmdBrowse) that pops open a file dialogue to select a file. I am not sure how to do this, does anyone know? If you need more of an explaination. I am trying to create a form for a user to be able to select the document needed to be...
  15. C

    Fill with current time on check

    You can also do a quick OnClick vba code to do this as well. If chkbox.value = true then textbox.value = date() 'or whatever time function you need to use like Now() or etc. else textbox.value = "" 'to reset the time if you unclick end if
  16. C

    Selections in continous form problem, part II

    you can do something like that in vba; just make sure to have all fields defaulted at enabled = no, which you can do simply in the properties. The VBA code to re-enable the box If chkbox.value = true then textbox.enabled = True textbox1.enabled = True Else textbox.enabled = False...
  17. C

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    ignore me on the union query bit, I got myself confused with that and a previous project. I know that it's main function is to combine multiple tables.
  18. C

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    I searched these forums but I did not see anything that was helpful in the matter, so if there is a thread like this please direct me to it and disregard this. I have a combo box that houses the names of dealerships, this is bound to a table. A user does have the ability to add a new...
  19. C

    How to limit users in a database

    What I would strongly recommend is what we use here at my work. Although it is not what you want probably. We do use a login script, to check if it is a firstime user or if they have used it before, all information is posted in table 'Users' in this table it contains their Environ("UserName")...
  20. C

    Before Update Question

    if IsNull(field) then msgbox ("Are you sure?", vbokcancel + vbcritical, "Confirmation") = vbcancel then cancel = true me.undo else ...(your other code) EDIT: Just realized you were not looking for a null value, sorry.
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