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  1. D

    Creating Outlook object in 0ffice 2016

    I have some Access VBA code that creates an Outlook object and attaches a few documents to it, then displays the email in Outlook ready for me to click the Send button, after reviewing the attachments. This code worked great for many years under Office 2010 and Office 2013. I purchased a new...
  2. D

    webpage postback confusion

    I have a web page which uses a form to display and lookup data from a database table. The user enters a Student ID then clicks on a lookup button which looks up the details of their account from a database table. If a match is found in the table, I assign the results to the textboxes in the...
  3. D

    Automation: Sending Access to Word

    I am attempting to send data from an Access form to a Word document using VBA code. The code creates a new document from a word template and has bookmarks where I need to place the data. This technique is defined in the KB article It does not work. I get...
  4. D

    Can't send to worksheet(2) from Access

    I cannot send to the second worksheet in Ex. The following code works great sending to sheet 1, but I get an undefined error with page 2. I have tried to use the activate method before posting. Here is the code that works. Im DOA, is that the problem? Dim DB As Database Dim rst As...
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