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  1. S

    Need help w/ function that opens Excel.

    I am using this subroutine which uses the function shown below. What I have found in my testing is that when I do not already have Excel open and I try to run the code, I get an ActiveX error, but when I simply open Excel before running this, I don't. Can someone tell me what the cause of this...
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    Need update query help

    I have a table that has 3 columns (ID, STOP_NUM, NUM_STOPS). Every time I insert a record for an ID that already exists, I need to update the NUM_STOPS field to the total number of records for the given ID. For example: ID STOP_NUM NUM_STOPS 1001 1 1...
  3. S

    Need help w/ Crosstab query

    Does anyone know how I can convert this Oracle crosstab query for use in Access? I was able to get the data to return the correct results using Oracle but I don't know how to write it using Transform and Pivot. SELECT y.process_date, y.loc dealer_code, l.p_dlrgrp dealer_grp, l.p_div...
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    Returning back to current record in recordset

    I have a form that has a subform in which users can update a field called APPROVED_COUNT. If the count in this field does not equal another field called ROW_COUNT, I pop up a message to alert the user of the issue and if they answer YES to the message, I want to return right back to the record...
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    Help creating various flatfiles

    I have the following code that I have been working on and the requirements have changed so now I need to create a new flatfile each time the LOC field in the PRESOF table changes. I would like to name each file spoolSOF_<LOC>.txt I'm not sure I know where to begin. Can someone give me some...
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    Combo Box default in form

    I have a combobox called cboMaxVal. When I open a form called frmMain, I want value in the cboMaxVal to be set to the query qryGetMaxVal. Currently when I open the form, I need to click on the dropdown arrow before I can see the value from the query. Is there a way to have it appear in the...
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    Row background colors

    I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings? I have found examples...
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    Need records to show in a subform

    I have a form where users select from different listboxes which I then use to build a SQL statement to return the matching records. On the main form I have a subform that is based on the query that was just created. The problem is that I can't seem to get the returned records to display in the...
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    ComboBox default to current DOW

    I have a combobox called cboShipDay that has the days of the week (M-F). I need it to default (highlight) to the current day of the week. How can I do this?
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    Dynamic query help

    I have a form where a user chooses different criteria from listboxes and then I run out and format the SQL statement. This is the query that I am trying to replicate using VBA code. Note: the Location_ID, Ship_Day, and Final_Dest come from the values in the listboxes. I am getting a syntax...
  11. S

    Using ComboBox value in query

    I have a form with a combobox called fraShipDay. How do I reference the value of the user's selection in a query? I've tried using Forms![Form1]![fraShipDay] but it's not working.
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    Auto-fill a subform

    I have a main form where a user can choose a location number from a dropdown box. Once they have selected a location, I populate some other text boxes for address, city, state, etc. based on the selected location. This part is working correctly. They can then press a command button to query the...
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    Odd behavior on form labels

    I have a form with a few labels that for some reason, very often will have a strange looking line above them after I am done clicking on them. I can't seem to find out why this happens. It happens on every label on this particular form. Please take a look at the attachment for a screenshot...
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    SQL Return Code

    Is there a way that you can capture a return code after you issue an Insert statement using SQL? I have a script that does numerous inserts into a table and I want a way to make sure there was no issues with the insert.
  15. S

    Form Newbie question

    I am trying to come up with a form to do the following. The leftmost column will have the headings shown below. The rest of the columns are blank. Each row needs to have a checkbox in front of it for validation purposes. I want users to be able to add data (parameters) for a given location. I...
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