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  1. L

    Multiple queries in 1 report

    Hi Thanks for your replies I tried to get a single query but the query needs to be something like this .. Where [Transmission Sched Date is Between Beginning Date and End Date AND Transmission Actual Date is Null] OR [Design Sched Date is Between Beginning Date and End Date AND Design Actual...
  2. L

    Multiple queries in 1 report

    Hi I have a table with the following fields Site ID Location Design Scheduled Date Design Actual Date Transmission Scheduled Date Transmission Actual Date Decommission Scheduled Date Decommission Actual Date I want to create a report that shows all activities where the scheduled date is...
  3. L

    Set Allowedits = false on Record Change

    Hi I was just wondering if it was possible to set the Allowedits setting to false whenever someone moves to a new record. I currently have Allowedits = No by default on form open, and an "Edit" button which sets allowedits to Yes. However, I want the form to go to Allowedits=No again when the...
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