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  1. R

    Crosstab Query Question

    Run a make table on the crosstab and export that
  2. R

    Query recordset is locked

    Check your relationships in the relationship window Twice in the last 6 months Ive had a db corrupt and lost a join between a table and a sub table during the repair process.
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    Importing from Excel woes !!

    Try putting on of the rows that is text at the top. I'm pretty sure Access determines the data type from the first row of data
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    Listbox Displays data associated with parent form?

  5. R

    Listbox Displays data associated with parent form?

    Doesn't matter since ou are referencing the form in a query. As long as the form is open it will work. Is ClientName the control source of the control you are referencing? You need to use the name of the control not the source.
  6. R

    Listbox Displays data associated with parent form?

    SELECT qryClientData.InvoiceID, qryClientData.InvoiceDate FROM qryClientData WHERE qryClientData.ClientName = [Forms]![FormNameHere]![FieldWithNameHere] ORDER BY [InvoiceDate];
  7. R

    Extract Year from text field

    you're welcome
  8. R

    Extract Year from text field

    Here are the results TYPEFY Year MA-84 1984 ma-05 2005 ma-06 2006 ma-07 1907 ma-21 1921 MA-01 2001
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    Extract Year from text field

    Try This Year: IIf(IsNull([TYPEFY]),"",IIf(Right([TYPEFY],2)<=Right(Year(Now()),2),"20" & Right([TYPEFY],2),"19" & Right([TYPEFY],2)))
  10. R

    Extract Year from text field

    Here ya go Year: IIf("20" & CInt(Right([TYPEFY],2))<2084,"20" & Right([TYPEFY],2),"1984")
  11. R

    linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button

    No I do not, hense NOT TESTED. Just add a button to formtest and place the code on the on_click event. BTW I believe You'll need to add SELECT to the string as in "SELECT Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE ((Main.[AF product group])=forms!formtest!combo36);"
  12. R

    linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button

    This IS NOT tested but should be very close to what you need Assumes at least one of your combos will always have data Private Sub Command107_Click() Dim strRowSource As String If IsNull([Combo26]) Then strRowSource = "Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE ((Main.[AF product...
  13. R

    linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button

    OK I guess the first question before I can help you code this is what should appear in the List Box if one of the Combos is blank or should there always be a value there and you just need to ensure there is before you populate the list box?
  14. R

    linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button

    Sorry I assumed you were passing combo values to list box with code. If not my answer will be of no help. How are you doing it?
  15. R

    Report Thru Combobox

    Or Use a query for the recordsource of the form and set the criteria for Name in the query to[Forms]![YourFormName]![YourComboName]
  16. R

    linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button

    If Not IsNull([cboNameHere]) Then Code to add to list box here End If
  17. R

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Just found this on Comcast latulence Forces Plane to Land By Associated Press 5 hours ago NASHVILLE, Tenn. - An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing Monday morning after a passenger lit a match to disguise the scent of flatulence, authorities said. The Dallas-bound...
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    Anyone here a full-time Microsoft Access Developer?

    As for dolano's question I did not go to school, use sites etc. Got a copy of SQL Server and converted previously developed db's in access to SQL Server without the wizards then built access front ends to access the SQL Server data. Struggled alot but for me that is the best way to learn.
  19. R

    Anyone here a full-time Microsoft Access Developer?

    Amazing, misspell 2 words (you missed one Bodisathva) and get slammed. :eek: You don't care to comment on the content which RichMorrison seems to back up. I know this is the watercooler but if all you can do is grade my spelling and grammer perhaps you would be better off teaching middle school.
  20. R

    Problems getting the currency sign to display using the Nz

    Not upset in the least, just wanted to be sure the original poster saw a work around. I agree with your conclusions and usually only use NZ with number fields and go with If Not Is Null for other data types for that very reason.
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