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  1. S

    Compact and repair.

    cheers, Thats great, Thank you very much! Sam
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    Compact and repair.

    Hi, Could anyone explain to me what compact and repair actually does? Made a backup copy of my database and did the c and r and reduced the size greatly! Has it lost data? Just would be good to understand how this works. Thanks Sam
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    Error help

    Thanks very much peter now is sorted and working smoothly! Cheers Sam
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    Error help

    Ok sorry, I have recently created a stock control database, the stock in and stock out works fine, along with the summary of all products giving the quantity in stock. I have been trying to create a report to show the inventory, i came across this code to calculate the quantity on hand which i...
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    Error help

    Hi everyone, i have had the error: User-defined type not defined Can anyone help?
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    Error whilst compliling

    I have been trying to complie some visual basic, and for some reason its coming up with the error Compile Error: User-defined type not defined and i just cant figure out what the problem is! has anyone had this before?
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    Headers and footers

    Sorry scrap that being an idiot!! worked it out was group sorting and grouping!!
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    Headers and footers

    I am trying to add an extra header and footer to a report, either side of detail in the report, is this done in the properties? because if i go to view it just seem s to delete the ones i have, and i cant seem to work out how to add them. Any help would be great!
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    can someone look at my sql?

    Thanks that could well be the answer will give that a go in a minute, just also realised tho that the info that i am typing into the form is not actually being picked up by the query. When i press the preview report command button it brings up the boxes to enter the data into, instead of just...
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    can someone look at my sql?

    I am trying to get a report to show a list acquisitions for a particular product between two dates i have set up a query and a form and a report. The SQL for the query is as follows SELECT tblAcq.Log_In_ID, tblAcqDetail.Product_ID, tblAcq.Log_Date, tblProducts.Product_Name...
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    generate a report/form by category

    Hi Dennisk, Thanks again that worked fine, no problemos what so ever!! Cheers Sam
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    generate a report/form by category

    Thank you, will give that a try, and let you know if i succeed Sam
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    generate a report/form by category

    Hi everyone, I am tring to generate a report or form, its generated by a combo box, which list all the categories of the products, when the category is clicked on it will generate the report or form showing all the products for that particular category. Can anyone point me in the right...
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    Only displaying Scrapped Items with yes/no field

    Thanks for your help, realised it was as simple as just typing TRUE in the criteria box and that was enough to show just the scrapped products.
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    Only displaying Scrapped Items with yes/no field

    "WHERE [tblProducts.Scrapped]"="True". This is what i put in the criteria on the scrapped field. The scrapped field is in the Products Table. Its a select query, which has Product_Name, Scrapped, Category and suppler. Maybe its not as simpl;e as i thought, but using the where statement should...
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    Only displaying Scrapped Items with yes/no field

    Thanks for the reply, when i do that it still puts in all the products, and not just the items that have been scrapped. Any Ideas?
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    Only displaying Scrapped Items with yes/no field

    Hi everyone, |I have completed a stockcontrol database, which i have managed to crack after a lot of hard work. Now there is one more thing that i need to accomplish. This should be dead simple but for some reason i am having a little trouble. I am trying to display all products which have been...
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    Database over network with user permissions and passwords

    Thank you Doc_Man, You seem to be the man with all the advice. I greatly appreaciate it. Have a great christmas.
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    Database over network with user permissions and passwords

    Hi guys, I have very nearly completed designing and making a database for stock control for my company, and am now a little concerned on how it is going to be implemented. It is going to be done over a network, with only a handful of users. The idea is to have every user log in but with each...
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    What's your best/worst joke?

    An Irishman walks into a library, and asks "can i have 1 fish and chips please?" The librarian Says erm this is a library! the irishman whispers Oh sorry can i have 1 fish and chips please!
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