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  1. C

    Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 on Windows OS?

    Can Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 be found on all versions of Windows, even if Access is not installed on it? I'm working on a .NET application that will export data to Excel using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. Sorry to double post this. I posted this under the General section a week ago and have yet to...
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    Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 on Windows OS?

    Can Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 be found on all versions of Windows, even if Access is not installed on it? I'm working on a .NET application that will export data to Excel using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. Thanks!
  3. C

    Which Event Signals A New Record?

    Hi Everyone, Can someone tell me what event is triggered when the "New (blank) Record" button in the record navigation section of a form is clicked? I want to auto-populate a field with data when the user clicks this buton. Thanks, crhodus
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    Pull Value From SubForm TextBox

    Hi Everyone, Can someone point me in the right direction with my form? Here is how my form is designed: Form BusinessForm has 4 tabs on it. Above the set of tabs is a TextBox named txtPulledName. Tab_1, on the BusinessInfo, form has a subform on it named subRMTDetails. The sub-form...
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    I have a question about Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 We have a client who does not have Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 on their computers anyome. They recently bought new computers with Office 2007. They are unable to run a specific functionality in a VB6 legacy application, which has the...
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    Move Data From Old Table Structure to New Table Structure

    I have made changes to a table for a client. I've had to add additional fields, modify properties of certain field (such as Allow Zero Length), add input mask for phone numbers, changed the length of field size ( Increased some and decreased others), etc.... I now have my new table structure...
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    Text Box Control Source

    Hi Everyone, I came across a last minute issue just before launch time for a form that I'm working on. Why does this always happen? :) Anyway, my form is populated by a query named qryPopulateRenewalForm. I have added a text box to my form named txtHiddenPayment. I want txtHiddenPayment to...
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    Change TextBox BackColor to Transparent

    I've seen a lot of messages asking how to pro grammatically change the color of a TextBox to a color, but not on how to do the reverse. If in my form or in my code, I have the BackClolor set to red, how do I pro grammatically change it to be transparent? Thanks, Crhodus
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    Date Query - Subtracting Months

    Hello Everyone, I have a query where I am trying to pull records where the user took a class that is 2.5 years old or newer based on their license expiration date. Can someone tell me what I'm missing/doing wrong? SELECT tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBER, tblCE_Details.Course_Code...
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    Capture Button Click Event From Parent Form

    Hi Everyone, I have a form, named MyParent, that contains an Add/Edit and a Cancel button on it. The form also contains a subform, named MySubForm. In the MySubForm Form_BeforeUpdate event, I have added a few edit checks which launch a MessageBox that contains the appropriate error message. I...
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    SetFocus in DataSheet View

    I have a subForm with a default view of DataSheet. In this subform, I have a field named txtCourse_Date. If the user enters a year that is less than the current year minus two (YEAR(NOW()) - 2), then I want to tell the user to correct the data. The problem that I'm having is that if they...
  12. C

    Write Values to Report Text Box`

    I have a text box that I've added to my report. I would like to be able to have the value entered into a text box on a form written to the text box that I've added to my report. How can I go about doing this? I've tried adding =IIF(IsNull( Forms![frmOnlinePaymentRptOptions]![txtFromDate])...
  13. C

    Execute Two Statments In Query

    Is there a way to execute two statements in one query in access? I tried the following but received the following: "Characters found at the end of the SQL statment". Here is what I have in my qryUpdateRecords file: "UPDATE dbo_CE, tblCE_Details SET tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBER =...
  14. C

    Disappearing SubForm

    I've added a SubForm to my main form. I don't want the user to be able to add records to the table that populates the SubForm, but I do want them to be able to edit a record if it is displayed in the SubForm. I changed the SubForm's "Allow Additions" property to False to prevent users from...
  15. C

    Determine If Changes Made to DataSheet

    I have added a SubForm to my main form. The SubForm view has been set to DataSheet. I have modified the SubForm so that the AllowAdditions and DataEntry have been set to False. On my main form, I have added an "Add/Edit" button, a "Save Record" button, and a "Cancel" button. When the...
  16. C

    Turn AutoSave Off for a Specific Tab

    Hello Everyone, We've been asked to add an additional tab to a form for one of our customers so that data can added to a new table in the database. Currently, if a user adds or edits a field, the form saves the data to the database as soon as that item looses focus. We want to make minimal...
  17. C

    Dump Table Properties to a File

    Is there a way to write the properties of a table out to a text file or excel sheet? I'd like to be able to get the Field Name, Data Type, Field Size, and format for each field in my table. Thanks, CRhodus
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    Combine Two Queries

    I'm having problems figuring out how to "Combine" two different queries. I have the following two queries that I've written: SELECT DISTINCT RecordType, InvoiceNumber, DeviceNumber, ChargeCode FROM tblDetail ORDER BY DeviceNumber, ChargeCode; Select COUNT(CallDesc), SUM(TtlCallChgs) AS...
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    Access 2003 Evnet Not Workig With Access 2007

    One of our clients bought new computers with Vista and Access 2007 on it. Their application is not wanting to run a certain piece of code. I can't test with this setup. (Windows activation for Vista is screwed up on the test box we setup.) When the button is clicked, nothing happens. Has...
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    Add/Edit/Delete Access.mdb Data Using Excel

    Is there a way to add/edit/view records in an access database using Excel 2003? Everything that I'm coming across when searching is going in the opposite direction. Thanks, CRhodus
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