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  1. J

    Sum Report Order By

    tell me about it. It is my last day here and I have a million things to do on two different databases! Thanks again
  2. J

    Sum Report Order By

    Thank you Brian!!! I totally forgot about that and now it seems to be working. Thanks for your help too Ted, all appreciated lots :)
  3. J

    Sum Report Order By

    This is close, and it does sort by the score, but unfortunately it is the Total Score that needs to be sorted, not the individual scores, which is what is happening in this version. Thanks for trying this :)
  4. J

    Sum Report Order By

    Thanks for very much for helping me, it is much appreciated.
  5. J

    Sum Report Order By

    Thanks for that, the report is now ordering by total score. Unfortunately, it is not displaying it correctly. There are only 3 records in this database with scores for each criteria, however when I open the report, it shows 3 different sets of scores for each of those records, meaning it is...
  6. J

    Sum Report Order By

    The report needs to be ordered by Total Score, decending. If more than one record has the same score, I would like it to be ordered by RTP_ID2, ascending. The criteria for each record needs to be ordered in ascending order. EG: Record 3 - score 50 Record 1 - score 40...
  7. J

    Sum Report Order By

    Hi Thanks for getting back to me. The report is attached in a zip file (the database has been cut down a lot, this one has 3/4 records, the original has over 400). The report is called rptSumGIS, which comes from the query qrySumGIS. The calculated field is called GIS_Total (on the report)...
  8. J

    Sum Report Order By

    Hi I have a report that shows all records with criteria for land development (which are each scored) then all scores are added up for each record. This works great. However, I have been told that it needs to be ordered by the total score, in decending order, which I cannot do. The total...
  9. J

    If Statement using les than and more than

    I have just tried to put in the AND bit and it now says "Compile Error: Expected: expression" and the < is highlighted. Don't know what you mean by SELECT CASE either.
  10. J

    If Statement using les than and more than

    Hi I have a field that needs to be populated with percentages according to the site area given, which is this: SITE_AREA GN_Ratio Less than 0.4 100% Between 0.4 and 2 90% Between 2 and 10 75% More than 10 50% I am attempting to try and populate a field on one...
  11. J

    Options not being held in combo box

    Actually, I forgot to include one piece of code that you added, and now it works! Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated :)
  12. J

    Multiple buttons in one form

    You need to add buttons in design view, you can't do it in form view. If you are wanting a button to open a form, you need to create a button (keep the control wizard on for this) and follow the instructions it gives you. The first bit you need to choose Form Operations and then Open Form...
  13. J

    Multiple buttons in one form

    Yes it is. If you have the control wizard on in Access, when you go to create a button the wizard will give you different options for opening reports and forms. It's quite easy so don't worry. If you want to learn more about the coding behind them, you can create the button then press F7 on...
  14. J

    Options not being held in combo box

    Thanks for that, I am glad it works. However, I have tried to put them in to the full versioned database which has over 450 records, which equates to over 6000 questions (having 13 questions for each record) and that means there are over 15000 answers (having 33 answers for each record [at...
  15. J

    Calculations in Forms

    Thank you, that looks like what I wanted :) I actually figured out how to move the calculation away and make the field bound to the table but have used your report style for the database. Thanks again for your help. I don't suppose you know how to answer this one do you...
  16. J

    Calculations in Forms

    The reason why there is no report is because when I tried it, nothing showed. All I would like on the report is the Yield figure for every site, the total of all the yields for all sites. I am assuming this is simple but still have no luck in figuring it out!
  17. J

    Calculations in Forms

    So how do I go about making the report? I actually need many reports but they will all revolve around the total of yields for the every record. What I would like for the first report is to make it calculate the yield by adding all the yields up for every site. In the database attached, it...
  18. J

    Calculations in Forms

    Hi I have another post at the moment but this one is important too. I have a form that calculates the yield using these steps: 1. User selects the location and characteristics of the site 2. The density automatically shows 3. The percentage is from the first tab on the form 4. The user selects...
  19. J

    Options not being held in combo box

    Hi I have this form that users need to answer questions that will show up scores. I have created the form, which works well, except for the fact that when a user choose an answer, it is not 'sticking'. For example, for the first question, a user will pick one of the answers, then move on to...
  20. J

    If Not Null

    That's worked, thanks :)
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