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  1. N

    Execute SSIS Package through Ms Access

    Hi all, How can different users, execute SSIS packages to SQL 2008 through MS Access; This is what I’ve done so far. I am asking for rour advice in case it can be done in a some other (better) way… 1.In MSDB database for the user I want, I have apply the roles: SQLAgentOperatorRole...
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    Performance problem

    Hi all, I have imported my back-end Ms Access database to SQL Server. I noticed that when executing some actions through DAO-ODBC Connection, in some cases, is much slower than when was executing through DAO-JET Connection. Is this really can be happening or am I missing something..? At this...
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    Calling Stored Procedure from SQL Function

    Hi all, I am looking for info over web but I can't find anything related.. So I post my question here.. Can a stored procedure be called from an SQL Function and how..? Thank you
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    Get the value of a collumn using a variable

    Hi all, I want to define the collumns name from a variable. The code bellow returns me ‘KG’ but I want the value for the field ‘KG’. Can someone please help me..? thank you declare @unit_a nvarchar(3) set @unit_a='KG' SELECT @unit_a FROM table
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    Need help with debug (SQL 2005)

    Hi, I need to debug row to row a Sql-Query that calls a function and I don’t know how. I know that with Visual studio and with the step into function command I can execute the function giving the params I want but I wonder who can I debug row to row a function when it is called from a SQL...
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    Simple Expression

    Can someone help me with this expression? I want the result to be 'cb' but it returns just 'c'. Declare @corb char set @corb='c'+'b' select @corb Thank you.
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    Outer Apply and Sql View

    Hi all, I have a SQL view with the below statement.. SELECT * FROM PERF_Performance AS Perf OUTER Apply dbo.perf_calc(Perf.WCID, Perf.Material_Group, Perf.MRP_Controller, Perf.Description, Perf.Component_Flag, Perf. D, Perf.Length, Perf.Operators...
  8. N

    What kind of function?

    Hi all, I have a view and i want to create a function that will return some calculated expressions as columns for each row of the view. Can someone quide me of what kind of T-Sql function am i going to use; Thank you
  9. N

    Summation expressions in select statement

    Hi guys, Can someone quide me how can i sum two expression collumns into a statement? a=1 b=2 SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b ok so far. The problem is when i add one more collumn to store the sum. I can't figure whow am i going to phrase into the select statement. The below returns error...
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    Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand..

    Hi guys I need your help.. When I close the form I get the message “Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.” at line obj_oledb_da.Update(dataSet). Can someone provide help..? Thank you Private...
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    Store SQL statements

    Hi all, Is there a way to store to a table the executed Sql statements (Insert, Update,Delete); Thanks
  12. N

    Reduct execution time

    Hi All, I have the below SQL Function ALTER FUNCTION dbo.analosi (@mmdoc varchar(10),@mmdocyear varchar (4),@UnitA varchar(3),@mmcat varchar(4)) RETURNS float AS BEGIN declare @res int set @res=0 if @unitA='KG' select @res=SUM(QKG) FROM RPT.dbo.RPT_MMD GROUP BY MMDoc, MMDocYear...
  13. N

    error on opening a txt file with

    Hi, I am trying to read a text file with from SSIS package but it fails on objCom.ExecuteReader(). The error message is below [Script Component [294]] Error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Invalid argument. at...
  14. N

    SSIS and Script Component

    Hi guys, In a SSIS package i have 5 or 6 script component. Is it possible to write once a function and call it from each script when i need it or do i have to copy my function into each script component? Thanks
  15. N

    Can it be implemented with Query?

    I am dealing a new problem and I don’t know if this can be accomplished with query. I have a table like Date b c d 1/01/01 145 202 15 1/01/01 45 78 65 And I want an output like Date f1 f2 1/01/01 b 145 1/01/01 b 45 1/01/01 c 202 1/01/01 c 78 1/01/01 d 15 1/01/01 d 65 I thought about...
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    Timeout expired on delete..

    Hi guys, In a datasheet, on the delete event procedure I have the code below: Static StrConn As String Static rec As New ADODB.Recordset Static cmd As New ADODB.Command StrConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=xxx;Database=db;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" cmd.ActiveConnection = StrConn...
  17. N

    SQL Function and SQL Query

    Hi guys, All I am trying to do is to execute an SQL Query from SQL Server Management Studio. In one column I’m calling a simple SQL Function. When I execute the function from visual studio to test it, everything works fine. When I execute it from the query returns null :confused:. I ‘ll post...
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    execute SSIS from Ms Access

    Hi All, I am trying to execute a deployed SSIS package, from Ms Access 2003. Is it possible; thank you
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    How to a Catch duplicate error

    Hi, I have a front end Access and when I insert duplicate values becomes the error below. At which event can I catch the error? Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘123’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object’ 678’ Thank you
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    SSIS package delay

    When I exectute from cmd prompt (dtexec) an SSIS package on a local server, it takes about a few seconds to complete. When I execute the same package from a remote machine it takes about one minute. Any clues why is this happening; Thank you
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