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  1. F

    docmd.outputto http...

    O' mighty experts... I am having a bit of an issue backing up our data - i used to be able to outputto via a UNC path to our EDMS, allowing me to do daily excel data backups. However with a recent upgrade of the EDMS, i can no longer use a UNC path - the only option available is a WebDav link...
  2. F

    Update a record without a query?

    lol - im glad my question has brought happiness to someone! i'm definitely not against queries, but unfortunately the database is deployed over a wan - and therefore is not only not 100% stable, but can also be quite slow whn eexecuting update queries. One of the bits of code that i have...
  3. F

    Update a record without a query?

    ok, thank you both - so to summarise, you cannot use direct vb (and thereby 'bypass' queries) to update a record? If i want to do anyform of updating records, i should use an update query? Assuming this, then i would use something similar to Keiths sql, however it is still a bit too loose for...
  4. F

    Update a record without a query?

    Hi, Don't know if this is possible, or if im being just plain stoopid: Is there a vb command that will update a record without having to use a query? My problem is this - I have an HR database which has allows us to add employees that are going to start. We then set their [Activity Status]...
  5. F

    Silly SQL End of statement prob

    ok, huzzah, it's working - thanks Paul. The problem i was having with printsql was a basic understanding of what printsql was actually doing - i didn't know about the 'immediate' window at the time, and so wasn't actually seeing what was being printed. with the aid of printsql, i worked out...
  6. F

    Silly SQL End of statement prob

    Paul, apologies, i have been trying it, but its not getting far enough to generate the sql. I will keep trying with it. If i manage to get it to generate any form of SQL, i will let you know, but im hoping that if i can get it to that point, i can get it to work (as i believe that i have...
  7. F

    Silly SQL End of statement prob

    ah, so simple - thank you! Now, the real problems start, haha... it is now informing me that the "query must contain at least one table or query". (as some background, i am create an update query by selecting the tables and fields from combo boxes in a form - the (me.cbotblreference) etc...
  8. F

    Silly SQL End of statement prob

    sorry for the delay - other bits of work suddenly took priority :( Thanks for the thoughts so far... Ok, the problem is in the syntax: strUPDATE = "UPDATE '" & (Me.cbotblDestination) & "'" strINNER = "INNER JOIN '" & (Me.cbotblReference) & "'" strON = "ON '" &...
  9. F

    Silly SQL End of statement prob

    Hey everyone - am trying to get a simple (i think!) update query to work between two tables. I am aiming to do this by selecting the source and destination tables from combo boxes, and then select the fields that will have the reference and obsolete data with further combo boxes. I have...
  10. F

    report based on custom query

    ok, thought of a possible fix. Is it possible to use VB to launch the report wizard, and fill in which details it needs (ie formatting, where it is geting the data from (my dynamic query))? this could be an ugly but possible way to solve it. fergcu.
  11. F

    report based on custom query

    ok, thanks paul - I was kind of hoping that you might have misunderstood my aim, and that there was a simple function built into access reporting to do this sort of thing. I think I'm going to resign myself to the fact that this is way over my current access capabilities. Unless anyone can...
  12. F

    report based on custom query

    ok, i have tried and tried with this, but dont seem to be getting anywhere. I'm going to explain what i need to do again, in case my first description didnt work: I used an example called "Select Fields for Query" to do a neat little trick. This allows the user to create custom queries on the...
  13. F

    Linked tables to problem

    ok, thanks guys... thats worked almost perfectly. Now i just need to sort out why im having relationship issues for something else :( Thank you very much, Fergcu
  14. F

    Linked tables to problem

    ok, thanks guys... thats worked almost perfectly. Now i just need to sort out why im having relationship issues for something else :( Thank you very much, Fergcu
  15. F

    Linked tables to problem

    ah - ok... this could me my primary problem - does it have to pull the data from a query? Will give it a play tomorrow at work. Thanks Lister. ps. smoke me a kipper...
  16. F

    Linked tables to problem

    Hi, I'm sure this is probably quite a basic question, but i'm having real difficulties with it: I have a table filled with employee details (tbl1). Each employee has certain discipline that they fill, and the different disciplines are kept in a seperate table (tbldiscipline). This is...
  17. F

    report based on custom query

    thanks paul - i'll have a gander at that....hopefully it will clear it up in my head! cheers, Ferg.
  18. F

    Searching for multiple data

    Colin, just to let you know that the form you sent me was perfect... made a few additions to allow searching for more than one field at a time, and its spot on, so thank you.
  19. F

    report based on custom query

    Hi, hopefully someone can help me with this - being relatively new to access, i might be misunderstanding some basic principles... I have created a query that is based on a number of list boxes in my main form. One of the list boxes controls the headings/fields that is displayed in the query...
  20. F

    Searching for multiple data

    excellent, thanks Colin - i'll have a play with that and see what i can do. Will let you know how I get on. Ferg
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