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  1. Z

    Transfer data from one form to another.

    I need help. I have a form that I am recording customer complaints. I have three buttons at the bootom of the form that the user will select. If I want to ship the customer new product I want that button to open a new form and transfer selected data from the previos form. Any suggestions.
  2. Z

    Auto Direct to Another Form

    I have a form that users record customer complaints. At the bottom of the form you have three choices, Issue RGN, Ship Parts, Arrange Visit. I want the button to direct me to an order form where the user will select what items to ship. I want some of the data from the complaint form to be...
  3. Z

    Smart Combo Box?

    I have a combo box that draws from a table called tblFailureModes. In this table I have 9 columns. Column 1 is the ComplaintName and each column after is FailureMode1, FailureMode2, FailureMode3 and so on. I want combo box 1 to select the ComplaintName and combo box #2 to show only the...
  4. Z


    I am starting to become very frustrated with Access. I want to build a form that will track customer complaints. I have several tables that need to feed that form. How can I create a form with with different tables and where will the data be stored? For example, I though I had to create a...
  5. Z

    Advanced Drop Down Box

    This is my situation. I have a table that holds are part name and several diffrent failures that can happen to that particualar part. Is it possible to select the part name from a drop down box and then have a second drop down box that will display the failures for only that particiulat part...
  6. Z

    Auto Fill Customer Info Based on Drop down box

    Here is my situation. I have a table that holds the customer information. This table includes customer id, customer name, customer city, customer state, customer zip, and customer phone. I created a new form that will be used to track customer complaints. Because we deal with the same...
  7. Z

    Data Autofill

    Here is my problem. I have a customer table that includes - customer id(AutoNumber), customer name, customer address, customer city, customer state, customer zip, customer phone. I want to be able select the customer name from a drop down box and have the remaining data fill in auto. I read...
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