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  1. D.Mair

    Create a folder in outlook

    Hi, Its been a long time since I last posted, so hello to all. I am looking to create mail folders in outlook for each job, I can then store all emails to do with a job in the one place. I currently do this manually, but I create other folders automatically and thought that I should be able to...
  2. D.Mair

    Printing a webpage

    Hi, I have a button that opens multimap at the desired postcode. This works well its really handy however I would now like to open the page, print it after loading, then close the page. Is this possible I am sure it must be.... For those that don’t know searches for a map of...
  3. D.Mair

    Simple probably my error

    whats wrong with this Hi Started working on a database again after 6 months working on other stuff. The problem. I used this code to cerate the start of the path, which has supposed to look at the subform and insert the text. strFile = Me![qryPaths subform].Form![PathCorr] I get run time...
  4. D.Mair

    easy one i think

    well what happens is that the strYear comes from a query that take a Job Number like 2004001 and takes off the 001 making strYear 2004 then i use the 2004 to create the file path C:\file\2004\file\file Dim strYear As String strYear = Nz(Me![SubFrmQryJobYear].Form![strYear]) when it trys to...
  5. D.Mair

    easy one i think

    would say Killie but not a football fan really I will try that and see if it works Thanks david
  6. D.Mair

    easy one i think

    have looked into this more with a clearer head and have found that i don't get any of the subform information pulled through the code. Any ideas what might be happening this dosn't pull the year in Dim Year as String Year = Nz(Me![SubFrmQryJobYear subform].Form![Year]) I think this did...
  7. D.Mair

    easy one i think

    nope that didn't work. :( I wonder if the subfrom isn't loaded when the code asks for the info. Could that be what is wrong. if so how do i stop it happening. thanks david
  8. D.Mair

    easy one i think

    I am getting an error, :confused: I have not worked with access for a while and it is more likely that it is something simple it is error 2544 You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property form/report The property may not exist or may not apply to the object you...
  9. D.Mair

    Network paths

    Yes the path is in a subform on the main form. The thing is this code did work! Then when we got new pc's we got an updated image and this code no longer works!!!! IT doesn’t have a clue as to the problem, it is possibly that something on the pc that is set differently. Any ideas what it could be?
  10. D.Mair

    Network paths

    This code did work untill we moved offices and got new PC's. It recognises the path in other code. thanks to all for the original code and to all who help modify it. Private Sub Form_Current() Dim Folder Dim Year Dim path path = Me![Paths subform].Form![Projects] Folder = Nz(Me![Folder])...
  11. D.Mair

    Searching error 2455

    I think this is caused by the on current code looking for info from a sub form the subform looks at the current form for job number to calculate year the year is then used to create the file path. I think it is finding the year to late. this could i suppose be solved by storing the year...
  12. D.Mair

    Network paths

    any other ideas? I think we are stuck with the $ sign it is not something that IT dep would change without very good reason! thanks David
  13. D.Mair

    Network paths

    I have allready looked at that post. thanks anyway the Path \\sac039\global$\Building Design\Projects\ is correct but it is causing a problem with the combo box thanks David
  14. D.Mair

    Network paths

    Well this is strange I have a combo box that lists all of the files in a folder on the server. This works if I use G:\Building Design\Projects\ But I need to use the UNC path So it is \\sac039\global$\Building Design\Projects\ This however doesn’t work, combo box comes up blank all...
  15. D.Mair

    SubReport/Report Totals

    you need to do the calculation again in the main report well thats what i do!! :confused: In main report textbox1=Sum ([InvoiceTimeSub].[Report]![exp1]) textbox2=Sum ([InvoiceTimeSub].[Report]![exp2]) textbox3= ([textbox1]+[textbox1]) is this what you are after. if not reply and i will try...
  16. D.Mair

    Time Cards/Invoice Report

    Hi Firstly I think you need to create a report for each query ie report1 report2 you then insert each of these using subreports into what will be your main report. i think you will link them by job! you can do all the calculations in reports 1 & 2 you would then add the totals in the main...
  17. D.Mair

    Merge data for one record to word or outlook

    This thread is all about auto email Hope it helps David.
  18. D.Mair


    This has been asked before I think this is the link to the page. But if not then all i did to find it was a search for system tray and it listed the page. There is a lot of code involved hope that...
  19. D.Mair

    Filter forms

    Well what I want to do is filter the Field [Completed] to show the records where that field is null. I want to have 2 buttons to click the first to apply the filter the second to remove the filter. I can do some of it Private Sub Command215_Click() Form.FilterOn = True End Sub Private Sub...
  20. D.Mair

    get round limit in the path length

    Thanks Ken got it to work
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