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  1. P

    Form with Dates as Column Headers to Update Table with Dates as Rows

    Hi, My question is pretty much what the title says - I'm wondering if there's a way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows??? The table set up is like this: tblOpHdr DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date) tblOpDetail DiaryID (FK) - CostCode -...
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    Excel - SQL Server Reporting Model

    I wasn't sure where this post belonged so I've put it here. I have an Access FE / SQL Server 2012 BE set up and have set up some reports that link into these. Can someone tell me if there is a better way to set up the reporting model? The set up is like this: Excel links into a database tables...
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    Add an associated item to an order automatically

    Hello, I'm working on a database very similar to an order processing screen. You select a product code - add amounts and various other details. There are products within the database that have other 'sub-products' linked to them. I'm trying to work out a mechanism whereby when one of these...
  4. P

    Sum a field that refers to a combobox column

    Hello, I have a field in a form called 'PricePerKg' Control Source: = [StockCode].[Column](3) What I'd like to do is get a total of this field in the form footer. I put in sum([StockCode].[Column](3)) but I just get error. What's the correct syntax to get this to sum? Thanks, Peter
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    Subform - Cursor disappears from visible area

    Hi, I've developed a timesheet entry form with a subform that has about 30 fields set out in tablular format. The subform is wider than the main form so not all fields are displayed. The problem a user has reported is that (after tabbing throught the visible fields) the cursor disappears from...
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    Infopath designer: overlay controls on scanned form

    Hi, I'm trying to get my head around setting up infopath / sharepoint forms that link into access / sql server databases. The first thing I'm trying to do is take a scanned image of a form and put the controls from the linked database on top of the relevant fields on the form picture. My...
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    OpenCurrentDatabase Issue

    Hi, I've got a database with a form that contains 3 buttons each one opening a separate database with the following code. 2 of these databases open fine but one flashes up for a second and then disappears: The code is identical for each. Dim accapp As Access.Application Set accapp =...
  8. P

    Subform - Cursor tabs out of visible area

    Hi, I've got an access data project (adp) running on Access 2010. There's a data entry form with a subform. The subform has about 50 fields set up in tabular formation. Because it's so wide there's horizontal scroll bars. The problem is, since we've upgraded from Access 2003 the subform...
  9. P

    Calculation based on recordsets taking too long

    I’ve got a problem with certain fields on a data entry form that are taking too long to calculate. Users are reporting delays of 8 to 15 seconds whilst these calculations are happening which doesn’t sound that long but it’s happening for every record and they’ve to enter a lot of records each...
  10. P

    Compacting Split Database

    Hello, I've got a database which user's access over citrix. It's a split database with some large tables (about 600,000 rows in the largest). I have the back end part of this database set to compact on close but it's taking a good 10 minutes to do so. Is there a way to speed this up and should...
  11. P

    Show 1st Field from Detail Lines in Group Footer

    Crystal Reports has been doing my head in today. It always seems to be things that on the face of it should be easy to do that I struggle with. If anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated: All I want to do is display the first occurence of a field from the detail level in the...
  12. P

    Formula not available in Select Expert

    Hi all, I’m struggling with an aspect of crystal reports and was wondering if anyone can help? I have a report which assesses jobs completed on the same day that they were started. It does this with a formula at detail level. The formula is ‘SameDayComp’: Local DateVar array start :=...
  13. P

    Round robin survey design

    Hi I'd like some advice on the design of a database. I've got a survey that goes out to 4 people. Each survey is asking the people to rate aspects of the other 3. For instance an architect might be scoring a contractor in terms of health and safety. There are 13 possible questions but not...
  14. P

    Graph Question

    Hi, I've got a database table containing JobNumber - JobRaisedDate - JobCompleted Date What I'd like to do is have a graph showing: * Total Jobs Raised * Total Jobs Completed ...for every week. Sounds easy but here's the thing: when I group on raised date I get all the jobs that were...
  15. P

    Wildcard not working in select expert

    Hi, Can anyone help with this: I need to search for all records that have a {description} field that contains the word "Travel". Sounds easy? I thought so. I've reduced the search down to 1 record which I know contains "Travel" and the formula is: {JobNumber} = "14248359" and...
  16. P

    Linking 2 date range queries

    Hi, Can anyone help me with this? I have 2 tables: table 1 (detailed jobchecks) Region - CheckID - CheckDate table 2 (summarised job totals by weekending date) Region - TotalJobs - WeekEndingDate I want to create a report that shows for a given...
  17. P

    Doing stuff to cells without selecting them

    I've read a number of post stating that in vba selecting cells/ranges before performing actions on them is bad programming practice. But what's the alternative. I'm trying to do what i think is a very simple macro - here's a snippet: Sheets("Performance2").Select Range("B6:E10").Select...
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    Formula to capture LastFullWeek Last Year

    I've been wracking my brain trying to solve this problem: I've got a report where I want to show a count of jobs raised for last week but I want to compare it to the same week Last Year. I've done a bit of searching and the nearest I can get is this: ({table.JobRaisedDate} in...
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    Message to Display when chart has no Data

    Hi, I'm just wondering if there's a way to display a message when a chart has no underlying data. At the moment what happens is that, where the chart should be there's just white space. In this instance the fact that there is no data is significant. many thanks, Peter
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    Import txt file to SQL Server using Bulk Insert and a Format file

    Hi, I'm working on a Access 2003 adp that's linked to a SQL Server 2000 database. I'm trying to use BULK INSERT to import some data from a text file into a table but I'm getting an error message: Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 13 in format file...
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