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  1. R

    Access 2010: Turn off autofill feature

    Thanks - I can totally understand how some people would find that feature useful - but when the text I'm typing isn't one of the options and it defaults to something I don't want, I feel like going amuk in the office with my stapler. I guess I'll spare my coworkers today and go to Microsoft...
  2. R

    Access 2010: Turn off autofill feature

    One in a long list of the endless things I hate about Microsoft's 2007/2010 "upgrades" is the obnoxious little detail of it finishing words for me as I type, particularly in the 'criteria' section of queries. I don't want or need the suggestions and end up having to hit the backspace delete key...
  3. R

    Question Dim Statement - Run Time Error

    Somehow a form has suddenly stopped working. I get the following error: Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)': You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type. Not a clue what I could have done / changed to cause this to happen but the debugger highlights...
  4. R

    Steps to secured database

    The link to Jack MacDonald's page is fantastic, thank you! Right now the one thing I'm still fighting with is the 'target properties' for the shortcut. I don't get how if the workgroup is on the shared drive how the target should start on the c: drive. Also, I tried the one he lists as what...
  5. R

    Steps to secured database

    I'm using Access 2003. I want the users to open the database and only be able to use the data entry forms and view/print reports. The main problem I have is that I don't know what order to do things and Access help isn't very helpful. I know I have to split the database, run the security...
  6. R

    Secure Access / FE - BE Assistance Please

    Reinstall Access to remove workgroup? The main problem I seem to be having now is the newly created workgroup which is linking itself to each new database. I thought I had the issue licked when I created a blank database and imported all the objects seamlessly. Unfortunately, the new db is...
  7. R

    Secure Access / FE - BE Assistance Please

    I really appreciate your great advice!;) I just posted below the new predicament I've created for myself. I'd like to scrap the problem db and export all objects into a new one so I can try out your steps but the stupid paperclip keeps telling me I don't have permission. Funny, I've been able...
  8. R

    Secure Access / FE - BE Assistance Please

    Okay, well in the interum from when I first posted this thread and read the responses I completely hosed the system. A little knowledge is dangerous - I guess I thought since I had successfully created and secured a database d 5 years ago the steps would have 'come back to me'. In tinkering I...
  9. R

    Secure Access / FE - BE Assistance Please

    I've been reading & printing endless threads on 3 different forum websites for days now and my head is going to explode. I need moron-proof step by step instructions because clearly my brain capacity is on the same pathetic level as Kelly Bundy. All I want to do is take a new database that...
  10. R

    Disable text box on form I'm getting somewhere! Okay, so I redid the code and sure enough, the field is disabled on each new record. AND I'm not getting a single error message. THANKS!!! :) But....the field does not enable until I tab out of the record then click back in despite having the category...
  11. R

    Disable text box on form

    Not sure if it matters but I already have a code on Form_Current: Private Sub Form_Current() InventoryItem.Requery End Sub I did copy your code but now get two new error messages. The first says: The expression you entered on current as the event property setting produced the following...
  12. R

    Disable text box on form

    I've been tinkering with it ever since and can't get the same error message as when I first posted this thread. That code never did "disable" the field (actually, it is a combo box, not text box). The message I had received, though, to answer your question, was something about not being able...
  13. R

    Disable text box on form

    I would like for a field to become disabled and left blank based on a combo box selection. I wrote in a code that I thought would work - but it doesn't. Any ideas where I went wrong? Private Sub Company_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If Category = "MG" Then Company.Enabled = True Else...
  14. R

    Set a field to negative number

    I have a transactions table with a simple "units" field that I want to use to determine inventory. When items are received the # entered in "units" is positive; however, I'd like to create another form for those same items once they ship and set the "units" field to a negative number so when I...
  15. R

    Conditional formatting expression is

    Need help, please, with writing an expression. Goal is to have the text field on report highlighted when the value of that text field reaches 90% of another field on same report. My Access "Reference" book is as helpful as a hernia. I've tried typing in >([Qty Projected]*[.9]) a variety of...
  16. R

    Inventory / Mfg database

    Having a little trouble creating tables/queries/etc that will accurately track our inventory. I don't seem to have a problem with creating tables/forms, etc that are used for receiving inventory - but the sales part is causing me grief. We don't actually sell these inventory parts...
  17. R

    Macro to enable text boxes

    I truly appreciate your effort in assisting me with my access problem. I will give your suggestions a try. Thanks again:)
  18. R

    Macro to enable text boxes

    VB code for enable/disable text boxes Originally, instead of option buttons I had a simple list box (not that it matters as there are only 4 choices). In the code, I had: Private Sub List128_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If Me.List128 = "CT" Then Me.A_R.Enabled = True Me.A_V.Enabled = True...
  19. R

    Macro to enable text boxes

    I've got an option group and would like to create a macro whereby when a choice is made in that option group, only certain disabled text boxes on the form become enabled for entry. Any ideas?
  20. R

    Cannot be read: no read permissions

    Rebooting doesn't work. I've got 2 other secured databases that I have no problems with. I am at a complete loss as to why this new unsecured database if locking me out of anything. I imported the table structures only into a new database to see if that helped. Now, for some reason, when I...
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