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  1. L

    Embedd picture in Report

    Hi, I have a database "report" that is actually a letter head statement that will be sent to different hospitals based on the donor and different procedures completed. There will be a total of 6 people using the database. What I want to do is have a "hidden" picture of their signature and...
  2. L

    On Current Error 3075

    Hey, So I have a continuous subform that has 3 combobox fields in it. When those fields have a value the .column(1) is entered in an unbound text box. When navigating to a new record I'm getting the error 3075 missing cmb.locationId. What kind of logic do I need for it look at a new...
  3. L

    Adding 1 to (text) Unique Id

    Hey, I'm using Access 2007 and need to figure out a way to add 1 increment to a text field. I have an ID as an autonumber but for these purposes we have to enter a "Tissue Id" like this the next one would be T11-1110 and so on... Is there a way I could auto format it like this...
  4. L

    subform won't link to form

    Hey! I have 3 tables... CaseReviewed: QA_ID, CasefieldID (text) CaseReviewedDate: ReviewDateID, ReviewDate, QA_ID CaseReviewedDetail: CaseReviewedDetailsID, ReviewDateID, irrelavant fields... When I join the Main form (Case Reviewed) to subform(CaseReviewedDate) the master and child fields...
  5. L

    OnCurrent - Subform

    Hey Everyone! Why can you NOT use the ONCURRENT function in an Unbound form, with an unbound subform? I have form that is basically a dashboard has a list box of donors that have expenses to them. When I click on the list box, I wanted the subform of the unbound form to change...
  6. L

    Using "rs" as the report base

    Hey everyone, I playing around with search forms and would like to know if you it is possible to use the declared rs (recordset) as the base for the report. the Docmd.OpenReport doesn't seem to support this or i'm doing it wrong. Probably the latter. The rptPatientInfo is one query with...
  7. L

    Extract Right words to "-"

    I have a report that people put a location in as county but labeled like this: Some type of event - Countyname County How do I get just the "Countyname County" so I can group on that in a report? Larry
  8. L

    Nested Loop...list invoices due

    Hey Everyone! I have an email code that works but will not list the invoices that are due. I have a loop that looks at email address' and adds them to sToName line. I have a static message that will need to list the outstanding invoices at the end of the statement. That's where i'm having...
  9. L

    Best Practiice for Table Design

    Hey All, I have a spreadsheet that will no longer be used after this month due to the new year. We are capturing all the data now in an SQL database through a website. I need to re-create the report the Access but will be creating functions in the back end to count each "outcome" (column...
  10. L

    Dsum 4th Critieria (can be null)

    Hey everyone!! I have "hopefully" a quick one. I have below code and need to add one more parameter to it however that parameter can be "null" if they don't want to choose the unit. Nz(DSum("[DonorCnt]", "qHD_SummaryR1", "[Month] = 1 AND [year] = " & Me.cmbyear & " AND [Hosp] = '" &...
  11. L

    Combo box Rowsource

    Hi! I have an easy one for you...because I have a brain fark! I want to have my combox "remove" a question after it has been selected and the user moves to the next question. I feel it would need to be based on two criterias. AARID is Null AND QID is null. The two table I have are...
  12. L

    Copy Row based on Criteria

    Good afternoon, I have a spreadsheet where I need to do the following and I don't think it can be done with formula in a cell. If Values of Column D in RABU Sheet equal Column D in Adjustment Sheet Then Copy Row on Adjustment Sheet to "All for Table" sheet. If Sheet!("RABU & UB")D: D =...
  13. L

    Multy select list box - syntax error

    hi everyone! Could you help me find where the syntax error? it's like needle in a haystack for me... Dim stDocName As String Dim varItem As Variant Dim strWhere As String For Each varItem In Me![lstEmployee].ItemsSelected strWhere = strWhere & "EmployeeID = '" _ &...
  14. L

    Save Current Record - not working

    Good Afternoon Everyone, So i've been working on this Death record review form (unbound) so that many people can access it based on their hospital at the same time. I'm having a problem with saving the values in the contols until I can update the batch at the end. I keep receiving an error...
  15. L

    Problem has "many" cycles

    Good afternoon, I am having a major internal brain explosion... I can't seem to get my head around "how to" get the cycles right for a problem. What I am looking for is something like this... user will open form and fill out the problem information (frmProblem) then fill out the...
  16. L

    Check my Relationships

    Good afternoon everyone, Could I get someone to check my relationships? See attached picture... What I am tasked to do is create a PDSA database... (Plan, Do, Study, Act) For Every problem there can be "many" cycles For Every Cycle there can be "many" Plans For Every Plan there can be "many"...
  17. L

    Handling of Nulls in If statement

    Good afternoon, I have this little bit of code that when the person hits the button it will check to see if they already exist and if so then run and "update" query otherwise it will run an "insert into" (not written yet) query. I get an error message that says invalid use of Nulls... my...
  18. L

    Understanding VBA

    Hi All, I am playing around with some VBA code because I want to understand how it works and just make my MS Access Databases more "efficient". I really don't understand how varibles and constants get transferred around, like for a multi user database. I have front ends and back ends but no...
  19. L

    Insert "Same" attendance to another record

    Good morning!!! I have a form where we do "After Actions" on different case through out the month. I have an attendance form where we take everyone's name who is there... Once one record is done we move to the next record but I (nor does any one else) want to re-type all the names again...
  20. L

    If Statement Help

    Good morning, I have a form that I want to lookup a value in a table and based on whether of not that value is there I want it to run an append query or just show the table. What I would like When the button is clicked...check to see if a value is created in a table (using DLookup for...
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