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  1. M

    After Insert Data Macro - Fire for Multiple Records Simultaneously

    Thanks Minty, that's a great suggestion.
  2. M

    After Insert Data Macro - Fire for Multiple Records Simultaneously

    Hi, Thanks for your suggestions, but I'm not entirely sure that I follow. Are you suggesting that I store the date and time added to the table - say a new field with the default value of the now() function - and then pass the value of the new field into function via the data macro? The function...
  3. M

    After Insert Data Macro - Fire for Multiple Records Simultaneously

    Hi, I'm trying to update a linked SQL Server table whenever data is appended to an Access table in a linked back end. I setup an after insert data macro over the table to call a saved query, but I couldn't get this to work. After researching online I found that others had achieved what I was...
  4. M

    After Insert Macro Triggered by an Append Query to Update a Linked Table

    Thanks. I'll mark this thread as complete, as you've solved my original problem. Thanks again, Matthew
  5. M

    After Insert Macro Triggered by an Append Query to Update a Linked Table

    Wow, thanks for the quick reply Minty! That has resolved the issue, thank you. This is now working when I append a single record. If I append multiple it appears the after insert event is only triggered for the first record. Is there a way to handle this scenario, or is this a limitation of the...
  6. M

    After Insert Macro Triggered by an Append Query to Update a Linked Table

    Hi All, I'm trying to update a value in an SQL Server linked table on insert of a value into an Access table in my linked back end. I've setup an after insert macro on my Access back end table which calls a function to update the linked SQL Server table using DoCmd.RunSQL. This works...
  7. M

    Is It Possible To Resequence A DAO Recordset From Within A Loop?

    Excellent, thanks for the suggestion. That will do what I'm hoping to achieve. Thanks, Matthew
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    Is It Possible To Resequence A DAO Recordset From Within A Loop?

    Hi, Is it possible to move a record in a DAO recordset? I have some code that is looping through a recordset and allocating resource time to requirement. A late specification change has arisen and now on rare occasions there will be requirements that cannot be completed on the same day. I'm...
  9. M

    Question Alternatives to Access Back-End?

    Hi, I've got an Access database system in place at the moment which has a lot of users, and which has a lot of automated procedures updating temporary tables with data from our SOP. It works well enough, but on occasion, probably about every 3-4 weeks, the back-end appears to corrupt. I get a...
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    Conditional Formatting Running Slowly

    Hi, Can anyone provide any tips for making conditional formatting a bit faster to load? I have a continuous subform with several objects subject to conditional formatting, including a long unbound textbox the length of the row. When I scroll in the subform I find that it takes a couple of...
  11. M

    Subform's Conditional Formatting Not Updating on Data Change - Access 2007 and 2010

    Perfect, thank you. So I just needed to use the object in the expression, not the field. Strange that the field could be used in 2002, but at least I know now. Thanks, Matthew
  12. M

    Subform's Conditional Formatting Not Updating on Data Change - Access 2007 and 2010

    Hi, Thanks for your message. I have uploaded a sample database, based on the example I gave in my first post. As I said before, if I use exactly this logic in 2002, the font colour of the whole row changes on change of the field used in the expression (in this example, Field1). In 2007 and 2010...
  13. M

    Subform's Conditional Formatting Not Updating on Data Change - Access 2007 and 2010

    Hi, I'm trying to do something which I have done many times in Access 2002, but I can't achieve in versions 2007 and 2010. I have a continuous subform with conditional formatting applied to every object, for the font colour to change depending on the value of one particular object. This...
  14. M

    Help with Group Borders Please

    Hi, This sounds really simple, and I'm sure I'm missing something. I can't find anything online about what I'm trying to do, maybe I'm not wording my searches very well. I've got a simple report with a detail section and two levels of grouping. In the top group I have column headings...
  15. M

    Help Displaying Fox Pro Memo Field

    I have since received assistance from another source, and this issue is now resolved. In case anybody else encounters this situation, individual lines can be specified from a memo field by using the MLINE() function with the following syntax: MLINE(MemoName, LineNo) Matthew
  16. M

    Help Displaying Fox Pro Memo Field

    Hello, I'm modifying a report that retrieves data from a FoxPro-based system. One of the fields returned is a memo type field. Currently the report just returns the whole field, which could consist up to seven lines. Up until now this hasn't been an issue, but recently some records have been...
  17. M

    Close a Specific Workbook from a Batch File

    If no one has any further ideas on how to get this to work, can anyone suggest another way of doing this? Is there a way to call a macro in a spreadsheet from a batch file or VB Script that would execute the macro within the open workbook, and not try to open a new instance of it? If so, then I...
  18. M

    Close a Specific Workbook from a Batch File

    Thank you for your reply, David. I have just tried using that in an if statement and I still have the same problem in that it runs fine as long as I open the file myself. As soon as the batch file comes into the equation I get a problem. The problem I am getting now is 'subscript out of range'...
  19. M

    Close a Specific Workbook from a Batch File

    Hello, I'm trying to ensure that a particular workbook (named Despatch_Schedule) on a particular machine is closed at certain times of the day. The workbook is populated with data from an SOP, and needs to be closed while the update takes place. I have made a new workbook and given it a...
  20. M

    Populating Array with a Recordset, Error When only one Record Returned

    O.K., thank you for your suggestion. Matthew
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