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  1. H

    Save As Word Document

    Great it works well. Thank you My point was not to create a query and try to pick a data directly from a table by stLinkCriteria but it may not work. How about opening a word document without saving :D
  2. H

    Save As Word Document

    Hi All... I'm using the code DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Myreport", "Rich Text Format(*.rtf)", "C:\Documents\MyWordDocumentName.doc" to save my report as word document. The problem is that I open a form to filter a specific report according to IdNo and I want to save that report only and...
  3. H

    Error In Loading DLL

    Hi SforSoftware, The only last solution helped me is to import all of db into a new one, and then everything went well. Thank you:rolleyes:
  4. H

    Error In Loading DLL

    Hi All... This is my code: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) With CodeContextObject If (.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0) Then DoCmd.close Beep MsgBox "You have No Records for the mentioned Period", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "No Records" End If End With End Sub...
  5. H

    Convert No to Letters

    Hi Rich, it gives me error and cursor come to the word sum Actually, I have a new field which picks a right figure, but it's not read. I'm trying to write a code to get the sum of field Amount, but I don't know why I'm getting the error msg
  6. H

    Convert No to Letters

    Hi All, I have a module which converts No into figures. If the field containing the No is not a true field but containing a function to get any value like e.g. Sum([Amount]), it did not give the proper result. But the value I want to convert is a result of calculation of subform...
  7. H

    OpenForm In Different Mode

    Hi Pat Hartman Thank you. It works well.:D
  8. H

    OpenForm In Different Mode

    Hi All... I have a tabular form. I open this form by 3 different buttons Button1 = ReadOnly, Button2 = AddNewData etc... My point is how can I hide CmdDelete when OpenForm as ReadOnly.
  9. H

    Delete If NoData in Subform

    Exactly what I need. Thank you:D
  10. H

    Delete If NoData in Subform

    Hi All... I have a form filling a data and then it saves before moves to subform ( Both joined by Bill No). The subform is tabular. It should contain data, otherwise when close the main form it should check: If NoData in subform .. MsgBox (No Data in subform) and focus back to first field in...
  11. H

    Sort Data

    True Rich, dcx ... both ways will do the job. Well, I found a code where I can sort the data in form .. It's as follows: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Const cstrOldSQL = "SELECT ..... I created a CmdButton named CmdSort Private Sub CmdSort_Click() 'Set the constant for the default...
  12. H

    Sort Data

    I have seen something like Option Group, so if I choose Bill No or date ..., it sort data according to selection etc... I can't remember where I saw it.
  13. H

    Sort Data

    The point is ok, but if I want to sort data in form by different criteria... So, I don't want to create many SQL Statement and in each one I'll sort by different FieldName and thereby to create forms etc... it's a long process :mad:
  14. H

    Sort Data

    Hi All... A form is created by SQL Statement picking data from 2 tables From Date to Date is successful. I want to create a button in my Form Footer to sort the data displayed by Date (Ascending-Descending), by Bill No etc... Hope someone can help me.... :mad: :confused: :eek: :(
  15. H

    Query Calculation

    Kuwait is very near... Hope and welcome to visit us anytime.:D
  16. H

    Query Calculation

    Hi Pat Hartman, Indeed I'm very thankful for you. I applied in my db and it works like a dream. :D :D :D
  17. H

    Query Calculation

    Hi All... I have a table with BillNo and amount. Another table for Payment Vouchers. Both linked by BillNo. In a query, I have Voucher Table Sum the amount. So if payment is in two different days, customer will have 2 vouchers etc. The query will calculate the difference betwen the Bill Amount...
  18. H

    List Box

    any idea Dave:confused:
  19. H

    List Box

    Hi Dave, Thank you for reply. When I put the code in AfterUpdate of my LisbBox I got Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)... Well, I think I have to misexplain my problem.. My point is when I select a record in my Control, it should get the matching records only in the...
  20. H

    List Box

    Hi All... In main form, I have a ListBox picking data from table. I have a field in main form called IdNo. How can I link my ListBox to the Field... Here, I can't find Child-Master where we do link them I mean that I want to display the IdNo connected to the record chosen in the lstbox in a...
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