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  1. J

    Query suggestions

    I have a series of seperate forms that all my main forms refer to that allow the user to choose a choice between specific departments, subdepartments and groups to filter the report by, now at the moment I am storing this data in a query that is created once the user has chosen their options. At...
  2. J

    Error 3075 in query

    I have the following query in access which works fine on my computer but when i package it into an accdr with access 2007 runtime i get "Error 3075: Function is not available in expressions in query expression" Any ideas? SELECT fe.functions AS who, e.trxtimedate AS clockoff, e.trxtillid AS...
  3. J

    copy file to windows mobile

    Ok not sure which section to put this in but is there a way of copying from windows to a mobile device without synching? or the other option is exporting the csv straight from access to the mobile device Thanks Jason
  4. J

    Expression on Click

    Hey everyone I am having some problems on some pc's with a form and a query, it all works fine from my pc but not on ones where I install just the access runtime Attached is an error message I am getting when i install this database on any remote computers below is the code which is causing the...
  5. J

    Statement ageing date totals

    Ok what I am trying to is I have an account statement that works fine except the client now wants to see 30/60/90 day totals for the accounts, 90+ days: Total purchases over 90 days old less payments made since then 31-60 days: Total purchases over 30 days old and less...
  6. J

    Birth Day Range

    I have a form where i am doing an option to show all members who have a birth date in a selected date range. For some reason my attached query is still choosing all dates help please SELECT ACMFTBL.ACMF_NUMBER, ACMFTBL.ACMF_NAME, ACMFTBL.ACMF_ADDRESS_1, ACMFTBL.ACMF_ADDRESS_2...
  7. J

    return as null value if empty string

    Guys I have a query that when it gets to a certain field with a blank/empty string displays the previous field, is there a way to say if the string is empty show as a null value isntead? I dont understand why it is doing this either so if some1 can explain it to me would be great btw the db...
  8. J

    IIf return null values

    I have a query I am creating where if a check box is ticked i want to return all null values of a specific field this code is the line I am having problems with ((ACMFTBL.ACMF_SYSC_NUMBER)=IIf([Forms]![frmACCSTATEMENTS]![chkSTORE]=0,[SYSCTBL].[SYSC_NUMBER],(ACMFTBL.ACMF_SYSC_NUMBER) Is...
  9. J

    Daily Account balance

    Hey guys I have a table I am trying to write a query for that will give me a closing balance for an account on each day. Now I have no control over the table and its fields as its a 3rd party database I am ok calculating the starting opening balance by just adding all sales and minusing all...
  10. J

    query's sql statement

    ok guys im not sure if i should be posting this here or under queries so apologies in advance. i have a query that stores a series of days and values for those days that exports to excel as a graph and works well the only thing i would like to be able do is in some cells under the graph list...
  11. J

    Error 3075

    Hi guys, i am getting the attached error when running a form but it only appears on some pcs not others. SELECT HTRXTBL.HTRX_TRX_DATE, AREATBL.AREA_DESC, CDate(Format([HTRXTBL].[HTRX_TIMESTAMP],"dd/mm/yy hh:nn")) AS TIME_DATESTAMP...
  12. J

    Last Week/Month text box

    Hey guys I know i have seen this somewhere and i thought it was on here where i could depending on a choice from a combo box change the date value in a text box from today to last week or last month. Any ideas? Jason
  13. J

    Upgrade odbc for Windows Xp

    Hey guys I am trying to test something in relation to a thread in a previous section and just wondering is there a way of upgrading the version of odbc on a windows xp machine?
  14. J

    Account Statement Query

    Hey guys I have the following problem hope some1 can help I am trying to write an account statement. I am ok with everything except one thing, I need a field called “OUTSTANDING BALANCE” which is a value of the balance remaning from a previous amount “Balance BForward” (I am fine on this part)...
  15. J

    label with text and record combined

    Ok now I am sure this is pretty easy as I have done it with records off forms but for some reason when i try and combine some custom text with a record from a query I get an error ="ABN" & [STORE_ABN] that is the line i am typing in the label but with no luck any help would be appreciated.
  16. J

    Runtime 3061 Error

    Ok guys i have had a look online and cant seem to figure out what is wrong with this. On opening my cross tab report I get this error Too Few parameters. Expected 0. Attached is my sql for that query and the code on the report HELP please :) PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmACCTRX]![txtDATEFROM]...
  17. J

    Changing to late binding

    Hey every1 sorry bout this but cant seem to figure out how to do this atm. I have the below code referenced to Excel 12.0 reference and as different customer have different version of Excel I think it would be a good idea to change to latebinding. Does any1 know any easy way of changing my...
  18. J

    More effiecent way of comparing data

    Ok I have a form "frmCOMPARISON" that allows the user to enter various options to report on sales for a date range this is then stored in a seperate query for each period that is set. After this I then run a query to combine all periods into 1 query so i can export to an excel spreadsheet and a...
  19. J

    Propert or method of the OLE object

    I have written the below code which access a query to obtain a list of email address and a certain store for those email addresses as the criteria for my report then automatically emails this report to those users. When I run this on my computer everything works perfectly but i have since...
  20. J

    2501 error with pdf file

    Hey guys i have the following code where depending on an option i choose off a form exports a report to various options. All works ok until i try to use option 4 first then repeat using option 3 at which point i geta runtime 2501 error So any ideas why would be great. Select Case rpttype...
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