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  1. S

    DLookUp on details sections

    Sorry to waste your time, it works now. I just had to change the name of one of my textboxes. Steve
  2. S

    DLookUp on details sections

    On my report I use the DLookUp function in the Details section. The problem is that for each record that is shown in the details section, the DLookUp function shows the correct text for only the first record and then repeats that for all the records. Why is it only looking up the first record...
  3. S

    Form and query??

    Thanks for the help, I got it working by making 2 subforms. One where I enter the cities into a continuous form attached to an table to store the voyage points and one with a query that calculates the total distance.
  4. S

    Form and query??

    I'm trying to make a distance table continuous form that tracks the distances between many cities. Table1 has all the distances between each of the cities stored and Table2 is used for making estimates on new shipments between many cities. I've tried using the DLookUp function to reference...
  5. S

    Form and query??

    Whenever I do this access prevents me from adding new records. My query works like this: Table1 CityA CityB Distance Table2 CityA CityB Distance Table1 is a long list of distances between 2 cities, and table2 is where I enter new records. I want it to sort of work like DLookUp, but record...
  6. S

    Form and query??

    Is there a way I can use a query with my form, but also continue to be able to add new records?
  7. S

    DLookUp Sum Function on Cont. Frms

    Wayne, I know I wasn't explaining it well. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: Main Form Continuous SubForm Record1: Value1(DLookUp function) Record2: Value2(DLookUp function) Record3: Value3(DLookUp function) Footer...
  8. S

    DLookUp Sum Function on Cont. Frms

    I tried the DSum function, but its only adding up the total of one record. I need it to add up all the records being displayed. I also tried this: =Sum(DSum("[FixCost]","List_Ports","[Port]=Forms!A_Main!B_Port.Form!Port")) I get a total of something, but it doesn't equal what it should...
  9. S

    DLookUp Sum Function on Cont. Frms

    I have a continuous subform that uses the DLookUp function in each of its records. In the footer of the form I would like to have the sum of these records. I used this formula, but I don't know if DLookUp can be combined with the SUM function...
  10. S

    PrevRecVal on SubForm

    This is my function in a textbox on a subform: =PrevRecVal([Form],"ID",[ID],"Port") I get the value I want when the form is opened by itself, but when its opened as a subform I get an error. How do I modify this function for a subform? Thanks Steve
  11. S

    DLookUp in subform

    Thank you guys very much, it works great! Steve
  12. S

    DLookUp in subform

    Thanks for the help, but its still not working. I even simplified it as follows: =DLookUp("[Distance]","Table_Distances","[APort]=[Forms]![SubForm].[SubFormName]![APort]") If I delete the "[SubForm]." and open the subform by itself the function works fine. What else could I be doing wrong...
  13. S

    DLookUp in subform

    I have a form that uses the DLookUp function and it works, but when I use the same form as a subform I get an error message. What do I have to change in the expression? Here is what I have: =DLookUp("[Distance]","Table_Distances","[APort]=[Forms]![Subreport1]![APort] And...
  14. S

    Continuous Forms

    Thanks for all the ideas, I'm going to try them and let you know what works. Steve
  15. S

    Continuous Forms

    I have a continuous form. On each line I have a textboxA and textboxB. TextboxA is entered manually and I need textboxB to take the amount from the line above in textboxA and enter it in textboxB. Does this make sense and can it be done? Example: ContinuousFrmA TextboxA...
  16. S

    Continuous Forms

    I have a continuous form. On each line I have a textboxA and textboxB. TextboxA is entered manually and I need textboxB to take the amount from the line above in textboxA and enter it in textboxB. Does this make sense and can it be done? Example: ContinuousFrmA TextboxA...
  17. S

    Distance Calculator

    I think this might be really hard, but... I'm trying to make a distance calculator with a continuous formA. On each line you select the city, and I would like to have the distance show between each line(city) calculated. I will enter the distances on a separate table and maybe use the DLookUp...
  18. S

    Line Visibility

    Thanks its working now. Steve
  19. S

    Line Visibility

    On my formA, I have LineA, CheckboxA and CheckboxB. When check boxA and B are checked I want LineA to be visible, the rest of the time I want it to be invisible. How can I do this? Can you give me an example of code?
  20. S

    Probably something simple

    Thanks, I knew it was something easy
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