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  1. S

    Access Installed

    Many Thanks
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    Access Installed

    Hi All Ive created a spreadsheet which garbs data from an Access database using ADO. However, half of the users have MS Access installed and the other half dont. Can those who dont have Access installed still get data using Excel ADO via VBA even though they only have Excel installed and not...
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    Maximum Access Users

    Hi All I know that Access probably permits around 20 or so users to simultaneously access the database before it start to become unfriendly. However, I have a database that would require 200 or so users grabbing around 1,000 rows of data via an Excel ADO connection to the backend tables. So...
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    Memo Field Rich Text

    I guess you right - i think this would be the only way. Access should really allow to change the HTML direct in the table field though. Thank you your help.:)
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    Memo Field Rich Text

    Good idea - but I really want to do it directly from the table as Im using ADODB Recortsets
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    Memo Field Rich Text

    Hi All I have a Memo field in my table. I have changed the Text Format property to Rich Text. I can now change the formats etc of the values in the field. However, I now want to see the Markup HTML tags in the table fields i.e. <b>test</b> in order for me to make changes manually as well...
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    Enum Benefits

    Hi Can someone tell me whats the main purpose & benefits of an Enum? Thanks
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    New vs Set Keywords

    But if I simply add the New Keyword to the Create is yields the same results as if I didnt Private Sub Test12936418674() Dim clock As Single clock = Timer Dim tmp As New Excel.Application Debug.Print "Declare: " & Format(Timer - clock, "0.0000") clock = Timer...
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    Public vs Global Variable Scope

    Many thanks - makes sense
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    New vs Set Keywords

    Thank for the explanation - it makes sense. However, by using the Dim declaration of xl then im already allocating memory in my computer for xl i.e. 4 Bytes for an Object. But what you are saying is that if I use the New keyword then I will be allocating extra space in memory when i create a...
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    Public vs Global Variable Scope

    Hi All Can someone explain when Public and Global variables lose scope and pros and cons of using both? Thanks
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    New vs Set Keywords

    Hi All Can someone give me an explanation as to what the difference between the two variations of using the New keyword to create a new instance and using the Set. I mean Code 1 would always be better because you dont have to ever use the Set keyword 1. Dim wb As New Excel.Workbook 2...
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    ADODB Cursors

    Ok - I figured it out. In Access this rule doesnt seem to apply so whether you use adOpenForwardOnly or adOpenStatic you can still move forward and back etc... however when I try it using ADODB to connect to SQL Server then it these rules do apply i.e. I cant use MovePrevious is a adOpenForwardOnly.
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    ADODB Cursors

    Hi All Can someone explain Cursor Types in ADODB VBA? Ive looked at at articles and its something along the line of moving through returns rows of data sequentially. But the following types of Cursors seems to do the same thing for me i.e. I can still MoveNext, MovePrevious, MoveFirst etc...
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    ADODB CursorType

    Hi All Can some explain the concept of Cursor Types when opening a ADODB.Recordset i.e. adOpenForwardOnly adOpenStatic adOpenDynamic adOpenDynamic* adCmdTableDirect* adOpenKeyset Thanks
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    Let Property

    Hi All Is there any point in creating a Let Property in a class without having the Get Property to go with it? For example Private sConnectTo As String Public Property Let ConnectTo(ByVal Value As String) sConnectTo = Value End Property Sub GetDataFromSQLServer() Dim...
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    ByVal ByRef

    Many thanks all - I greatly appreciated all your inputs. I makes sense now.
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    ByVal ByRef

    Hi All This is regarding ByVal ByRef Its taken me over a year to try and understand this concept as I feel either I just dont get it or people are not explaining it to me very well. Am I right in saying that ByVal and ByRef only matters if the called sub or Function changes the values of its...
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    Tab Chr(9) in Query

    Hi Can anyone help me as im trying to put tabs between charcters in a query and I use Chr(9) for the tab but the tab goes to the end of the text. SELECT 'Tab-->'+Chr(9)+'<--Tab' I need the tab to be between the 2 arrows i.e. Tab--> <--Tab Many Thanks
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    Command Prompt

    Hi Can someone tell me how I can open Command Prompt and start writing command lines to the Command Prompt window in VBA? e.g. This opens the Command Prompt window but I need to write lines to it via VBA Shell ("cmd ") Many Thanks
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