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  1. I

    String Validations

    What string function, or series of string functions, in a code can I use to prevent a user from : 1) entering a leading 0 in a text field for an ID Code with 10 characters e.g. 0346788692 2) allowing only to enter a leading A or H and no other alpha e.g. A346788692 3) allowing only to enter an...
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    Update loop not working

    Can anyone see why this code is not updating the field? Private Sub txtstateno_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo Error_txtstateno_AfterUpdate 'look for all records with the same stateno then update the same edited field strSQL = "Select * from labdata Where stateno = '" & Me.stateno & "'"...
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    Input mask for date field not working

    I have a form with a date field for users to input the date of birth. The data type is Date/Time and the format is Short Date. The input mask is: 99/99/00;;_ Everything is fine until a user enters any year from 1911 to 1929. So if the date of birth is 03/23/28, Access 2003 converts it to...
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    Recordset loop not working

    I'm trying to edit fields in a recordset by looping through it using an ID number to match the record to edit. All records with a matching ID number are successfully edited except for the record prior to the last matching record. Can anyone help me resolve this problem? Private Sub...
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    You can't assign a value to this object

    I'm trying to pass a field value (Me.Record_No) from Form A (frmAddDetails) as an OpenArgs to Form B (frmAddTest). Me.Record_no is an AutoNumber field. The code works until Form B (frmAddTest) is opened, accepts the record_no in Me.OpenArgs and finds the record_no match in a table called labdata...
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    Disable Security Warning

    When users of my Access application with VBA codes open it they get a warning message from Access: Security Warning: Unsafe expressions are not blocked. Do you want to block unsafe expressions? The only way I can disable this Access security warning is if have the users go to...
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    Creating Outllook distribution list

    Does anyone have any vba code to create an outlook distribution list from an Access table with fields for names and email links?
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    Access Default Hyperlinks Warning

    I have a command button when clicked links the user to a trusted website. However, Access shows a default message: "Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your computer, click only those hyperlinks from trusted sources. Do you want to continue?" Is there a way to...
  9. I

    Capturing login information in Win Server 2003

    We recently migrated from a Novell NOS to a Windows Server 2003 server. How do I capture login information so I can use it in an Access 2003 table using VBA?
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