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  1. K

    If Then Statement Based on Combobox

    Can someone please tell me why this will not work? Me.Destination is a combobox with values of KWA ROI MAJ WAK TxtTOTALWEIGHT is Unbound Calculated field Me.TxtMAXWEIGHT is Unbound Text box Private Sub TxtTOTALWEIGHT_AfterUpdate() If Me.Destination = "KWA" Or Me.Destination = "ROI" Then...
  2. K

    Limiting Combobox Values based on Selection in previous subform record???

    I have a subform called FrmPassengerManifest, in the subform there is a combobox called SeatID. SeatID contains values; 2A 2C 3A 3C etc.. I'm trying to figure out a way to limit the SeatID combobox values bases on the prevoius records in the parameter query based subform. Any help would be...
  3. K

    Access newbi here

    I have a database with a table named TblAcftLog. The table has on field named logdate I have a form with the RecordSet of TblAcftLog. When I enter a date on the form in the logdate field abot 10 subforms are synced to allow me to enter unrleated to each other data in datasheet format. This...
  4. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    Thanks for the idea. I'll work on creating a table with passenger details. Not sure how to do th eupdate query, but i'll search and find out Thanks again
  5. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    A little more explanation. What I'm trying to do is; If Ryan fly's every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday on the 0600 flight and the 1505 flight. any ideas on how would I tell the database to automatically create records for Ryan on every Tue Wed & Thur on the 0600 and 1505 flight. And I'm...
  6. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    I manage a flight operation on a military base that moves contractor employees from one island where living quarters are, to another island where work centers are. Both in the morning and in the evening. For years I have had an excel base reservation system that consist of a Commuter master list...
  7. K

    Day of the week VBA Help

    Does anyone have any idea why this code will not work. FlightDate is a bound control, in which a Date is entered and Formateed as DDDD to display the day of the week. In the code, I've tried: If Me!FlightDate = Sunday , If Me!FlightDate = "Sunday" , & If Me!FlightDate = 1 Nothing seems to...
  8. K

    day of week - help

    I have a field named FlightDate on a form. The field is formatted for short date. I also have 6 unbound text boxes names KWACO1, KWACO2, KWACO3 etc etc I need a code that determines if Me.FlightDate is a Tuesday, then Me.KWACO1 = 0600, Me.KWACO2 = 0710, Me.KWACO3 = 1430 Wednesday, then...
  9. K

    SendObject Help please!

    DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, , , , Me.StartDate & " through " & Me.EndDate & " From " & Me.LstOrigin & " To " & Me.LstDestination LstOrigin and LstDestination are both list boxes populated form a table. The values in both boxes are PKWA PKRO PKMJ PWAK. How can i make the...
  10. K

    Strange read-only problem when moved to shared drive

    When i place my newley created database onto a shared server. 1 of my end-users can only open the file in Read-only. The other 2 users can open it fine. The IT group at my company says there is not funding to support user created databases and wont help. Has anyone had any read-only to just 1...
  11. K

    Code for Default text Value, Help?

    I have a bound field on a reprot named "ON". The field is formated for Short Time. Whenever there is no ON Time. I would like the field to display the text Originate. I've tried If Me!On = null Then Me.On = Originate End if Does not work. I've also tried to set the default value as...
  12. K

    Please help with sum on Form or advise if a better way

    I have 19 combo box's with choices from 1 though 9 in all of them. I need to be able to count how many 1's 2's 3's etc etc there are under a single record Combox Names are 2ACat, 2CCat, 3ACat, 3CCat..... I'm using this code in the after update of the form If Me!Txt2ACat = Null Then...
  13. K

    If / Then code help. Please

    Thank you all so much for your advice. I'm learning as i go here. I'll start reaserching how to create a function next. Again, thank you all for the advice.
  14. K

    If / Then code help. Please

    I'm trying to come up with a way to populate 5 unbound text boxes from on calculated controls value. Placing this on the Form under OnCurrent is not working for me. Will someone ttel me where I'm going wrong? IF Me!TOWeight < 11000 Then Me.V1 = 100 Me.VR = 100 Me.V2 = 111...
  15. K

    Excel Formula to Access Expression????

    Will someone please help me translate this excel formula =IF(D35<11000,257,((D35-11000)*0.001)+257) Into a Access expression? Cell D35 would be Unbound Field TxtZFW, and the filed that would be manipulted would be TxtLowerCG with a Value 257. My understanding of the Formula is IF the...
  16. K

    Please Help with Sum Of Calculated Fields in SubForm

    Thank you very much. That worked Perfect. I'll make sure i figure the next one out from your example. Thanks again
  17. K

    Please Help with Sum Of Calculated Fields in SubForm

    Please Help! This is my first attempt at access. I've gotten this far from what I've been ble to learn from this forum. I'm attempting to create a Aircraft Weight and Balance Databse. I'm stuck trying to sum Calculated fields ZeroFuelWeight and FuelWeight in my Subform. Any help or comments on...
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