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  1. E

    Combo box, Command Button, Hyperlink

    Thank you that worked perfectly
  2. E

    Combo box, Command Button, Hyperlink

    Hi, Not sure how to approach this but here is what I intend on doing: I have a combo box that looks up via SQL SELECT tblIndustries.ID, tblIndustries.Industry, tblIndustries.Hyperlink FROM tblIndustries; what I need is when you hit the a command button "Command87_Click" it goes to the...
  3. E

    Check box help

    Ok have it mapped to an ID record so doing it for each rocord might not be the way to go... but will have some great uses for it in other places. and for the tag part... bravo never knew it was that easy. Thanks heaps mate.
  4. E

    Check box help

    Thank you for that was thinking I was going crazy... this may end up being complicated as I need to do it for around 10 sets of trades, each with 3 - 5 sub sets... Now I know how to do the first part I have realised that my second part well its not doing everything I want it too. When the...
  5. E

    Check box help

    Ok looks like it is meant to be there but it is not showing up... any ideas why it would not be showing up? an if you hadn't guessed new to access but know a little bit of code.
  6. E

    Check box help

    Still can't find it... its working either way... also if anyone wanted to see the code here it is.. Private Sub Concreting_Click() If Me.Finisher Or Me.Formwork Or Me.Pouring Or Me.Screeding = True Then MsgBox "You have selected some of the concreting spcific trades" Exit Sub End If With Me...
  7. E

    Check box help

    Ah I see, but I cannot find the on current event? is that just on click or something? Got it to work with the on click event works like a dream cant see it really playing up... I will need to make extra code to check if any of the other check boxes have been checked on also.
  8. E

    Check box help

    Ok this is what I want, user clicks on one check box labelled Concretor when the check box is clicked 4 more check boxes appear in the form i.e. FinisherFormworkPouringScreeding Does anyone know how to do that? I was thinking something like tagging the sub-checkboxes as concretor then when...
  9. E

    Open Word + Document using a button?

    Hi I am having trouble getting this to work I have check the path for word. I think it is because I have gaps in the file path. Call Shell("V:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE L:\Best Practice Manual\Full Labour Hire Best Practice Manual.doc", 1)
  10. E

    Forgot Password

    you might want to try one of these then.|&tag=ltcol should all be free and work but not sure if they will work for access 2000 but have a look i imagine that they would
  11. E

    Combo box in a form to filter multiple queries (command buttons)

    Here is a text file of the way the table is set up, basically the job types are a check box on the form, so are the locations I want to know who would have a certain job type for a location. Or for multiple locations/job types I think this is databse is going to cause headaches in the...
  12. E

    Combo box in a form to filter multiple queries (command buttons)

    Thanks for your reply Jal, I am still having lots of trouble, first thing I can find that I stated incorrectly was they are actually queries not reports... The database is huge so I can't really post it, I may be able to get what the table looks like if that helps. I have tried for a few...
  13. E

    Forgot Password

    Hey try this, might be what your after
  14. E

    Combo box in a form to filter multiple queries (command buttons)

    Ok I am fairly new to access, I will try to explain this fully... keep in mind my wording will be pretty bad. What I have is a form on this form there are 5 reports that the user can generate, Eurobodalla, Shollhaven, ACT etc.etc what I want to be able to do is filter these queries into what...
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