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  1. H

    Thank You

    Hello. i would like to thank you all for your help you gave me with my horse database!... i got a respectable grade for it!.. thanks to all of you! :)
  2. H

    Access 2007

    hi, the system will be demonstrated on a machine that has access 07... but i need to disable the menus on start up... can you please tell me how i can do that!. thanks ,
  3. H

    Enter parameter value

    ok, if you suggest i use a dropdown, which shows all the client ID'S.... how can i have it so that, when a client id is selected, that client ID;s report is shown... because at the moment, with the parameter box, when the clients id is selected, the report for that id opens up!.. thanks for...
  4. H

    Enter parameter value

    [/IMG] hi, im not sure if i expained myself clearly.. so i let the pictures to the talking... above are the screenshots of the parameters..... if i was to enter a client that didnt exsist... the second screenshot is the error that i get!... is there a way around that, so that if a client id...
  5. H

    Enter parameter value

    hi - thanks for your help!. is there no way round whatso ever, even in the SQL, so that only numerical values can be done.. also, at the moment, the parameter value is lookint at the table for Client id number.. if the client id doesnt exsist, i get a runtime error.. is tehr any way around...
  6. H

    Enter parameter value

    hI I have a parameter value box.... which is done via the design wizard in design views of queries.. when the parameter box appears - how can i code it so that if a textual character is entered into the parameter box, a messagebox shows (at the moment, it shows a standard ms access message...
  7. H

    Access 2007

    Hi all. I have created a system in access 2007..., however, i need to demonstrate it....Can some one please tell me how i can get rid of the tool bars etc on the side of the screen and on the top of the screen... so all the user sees is the system. I thought if i put it on CD, it would work...
  8. H

    Insert records from one table to another

    you will be breaking the rules of normalization if you do that!
  9. H

    Date Validation

    hi - thanks i got this to work :). can someone please give me some guidance on how i can make the field mandatory, i.e if the user does specify a date before the admission date, a message box will appaer, how can i make it so that the user CANNOT go to te next tab, unless an appropirate date is...
  10. H

    meny to meny relationships

    What is it you are trying to achieve.. list of table names etc.???
  11. H

    meny to meny relationships

    hi, you can not have many to many relationships.... you have to decompose it.... you have to create a "Juntion Table", which is an intermediate table that serves as a bridge between the two tables. it uses the primary key from the 2 tables as its own primary key. hope that helps.
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