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  1. X

    There has to be an easier way to code this

    This is really "ugly code" but it works. AuditorType: IIf([tblDataEntry]![AuditorClock]="0000",[tblAuditors]![AuditorType],IIf([tblDataEntry]![OverRide]<>1,[tblOverRide]![SwapID],IIf([tblAuditors]![AuditorDept]<>[tblSeries]![Department_ID],"QA",[tblAuditors]![AuditorType])))The problem is...
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    Deciding WHICH field to display based on form control.

    Let's suppose for a minute that I have several different fields in a table, and they are ABC1, DEF1, GHI1, JKL1, etc.. Now let's suppose that based on a form entry, I would like for a query to display the particular field I'm looking for.. For example if I entered ABC in the form, I'd want...
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    ENABLE a field based another field.

    Basically, I'm trying to ENABLE a field based another field. If Me.Auditor_ID.Value = "LR" Then Me.Series_Master.Enabled = TrueI'm close, but no cigar. What am I doing wrong?
  4. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    I'm sure there is a simple explanation, but i don't know where I made the mistake. I have a data entry form, that uses qryDataEntry for the record source. qryDataEntry is comprised of data from several tables. (posting a screenshot) Everything USED to work fine, but somewhere along the way...
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    Converting an MACRO to VBA

    Originally, for some stupid reason I took the easy way out and took advantage of using Access' new setTempVars feature. BAD MOVE. It worked great, but today because of some changes to the application I am trying to add additional parameters (if you will) to the original code. Field name is...
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    I’m thinking about writing a new access project. The application is collecting inspection data, and although I might be better served doing this in excel – I’m willing to look at it as a database concept first. What I see are essentially three tables: tblPartInfo, tblDataReqs, and...
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    conditional criteria? (in a query statement)

    I'm not sure if you can do this or not?.. In essence a conditional criteria. There are three types of audits: QA, QC and Int (Internal). On the report, my boss wants to see all of the audit findings (including UAI, "use as-is") IF the AuditType - "QA", but does not want them included IF the...
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    Transfer a field from the last record into the new record.

    This is very easy I am sure, but I just don't know how to do it. I have searched the threads and do not find exactly what I am looking for. Entering data into a form. The first field is basically "who". When that data is entered, the "who" stays the same until there is a new "who". Glancing at...
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    Dynamic Field Selection in a Query?

    Greetings. I have an expression that works fine, but only for a specific field [ShipTPF] within the table. What I’d like to be able to pick which field to use depending on the situation, through the use of a Switch() function to change out the [ShipTPF] to [ShipFab] and [ShipMir]. Here is the...
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    Using a form to filter my report

    I do not need anything fancy, but I'm at my wit's end. Given a report, and a form to enter my criteria, what is the simplest way to pass that filter to the report? I've read, I'd tried this and that.. and nothing has worked completely to the point I've erased the form and started over. The...
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    Question Main Menu open on load

    I've having trouble doing something, and I've lost it somehow in Access 2007. How do I make the "main menu" (a form that I create with command boxes) load automatically when the user first starts my access application?
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