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  1. L

    Comparing actual sales versus forecast

    Hi there, Please could someone offer me a little pointer. I am trying to create a query for a report or form. The idea behind the query is to compare the actual sales in a month to the forecast for that month. There are a number of things that I'm trying to take into account. I need to...
  2. L

    VBA code - clash of the date formats;-)

    Hi there, The problem I have is that somewhere in my database its is getting confused between UK and American date formats. I use a lot of autofill dialog data entry forms using - Date(). Basically I have one table that holds all the information on a dialog form that pops up by clicking on a...
  3. L

    Function coding and calling

    Hi there, I need some help setting up a few functions that can be called by any form to display each of the dialog forms in my database. I have included some examples of the current code below. Currently I use the full code for each instance it is needed via event procedures (the code is...
  4. L

    Combo search boxes on all forms have stopped working

    Hi all, I have a very strange problem, most of the forms in my table have a couple of search boxes to bring up a specific record on the form. All of them have suddenly stopped working. For example: The most common search box is for customer code (CustCode). I can type a correct customer...
  5. L

    Dialog form form pops up blank when should autofill from originating subform

    Hi there, I have a parent form (frm_TelesalesContact) with a datasheet subform (frm_subform_TelesalesContact). The dialog form (frm_dialog_IndividualContact) pops up on the specific record double clicked on within the subform. However when you double click on a new record in the subform the...
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