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  1. F

    Convert 2007 native buttons/control macros for 2003 compatibility

    AHHH Ok.. I see what you are saying. (and yes I think your link is exactly what I was looking for) I will try rebuilding the form in 2003 format. Thank you . It Helps a great deal. I should get a chance to go through it by Sat. Wish me luck.
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    Convert 2007 native buttons/control macros for 2003 compatibility

    HiTechCoach- that sounds like solid advice for future projects and I will likely go that way.... But what I need is to address the current issue with the database that I am currently working with. "Start Over from Scratch" doesnt really help me much here :-) So what I need really is...
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    Convert 2007 native buttons/control macros for 2003 compatibility

    Have a database created in 2007 which has a main FORM, with buttons to start an data entry form or run reports. The data entry input form has standard 2007 buttons/controls, like "New Record" "Save Record" "Next record" "last or previous record" "First Record" "Last Record" "Close" As well...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    I like to call that the Law of Tragedy Magnetism: Example: Place One Post anywhere in an open field full of people whose goal is to run freely, and not only will someone eventually run into the post, but eventually the majority will end up congesting around it. Example 2: Place a...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    Yes. two fields in same record. So I should likely add this to the "BeforeUpdate" as well? Or should I associate this with one of those specific fields? Such as: If If Me.Control1 = "Yes" And Me.Control2 = "Yes" Then MsgBox "both Cotnro11 and Control2 cannont be Yes" Cancel = True...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    the ElseIf is working perfectly... Your solution does EXACTLY what I wanted/needed.. Now I am just going to go back through the updates over the last 3 versions rather than trying to hunt down what happened. The one last thing (ok, the one last thing... as of now.. who knows how many "one...
  7. F

    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    I added the end if and went back 3 versions to when the edit controls last worked.. and now it does work. Not sure what I screwed up there... but ... I will now try adding the "ElseIf" unfortunately I cannot post the db as it currently contains confidential info. I may need to recreate a...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    Explain what you mean as to a person not overly familiar with the VBA. (as that is what I am) Currently you are right, it isnt running.. (and I think I stripped something out I shouldnt have as my "Edit" "End Edit" buttons arent functioning either as they were. It was such that you could not...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    Ok. So here is what I have in the VBA of the form (I've stripped it down to just this as I want to get this working properly first) Private Sub Command210_Click() Me.AllowEdits = False End Sub Private Sub Command211_Click() Me.AllowEdits = True End Sub Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    Thats Pretty much the type of thing I'm looking for. And I will try it. Now the next question is, where do I put that bit of code? Should it be associated with "Each" field that requires validation as an "EventProcedure"? Or is there a way to string a bunch of these together in one place...
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    VBA to validate multiple fields in a form beforeUpdate... I think

    I've been searching here and afar for how best to do this. I think I would prefer to have it in the VBA as opposed to simply native Access rules/design but I could be wrong. Here Goes. I have a single form with a variety of fields (not all) that I need validated to be "Not Null" (meaning I...
  12. F

    protect all data in form from editing (with override)

    Ok... dont laugh.. but could you explain what the "Me.Dirty" means I have seen alot of use of the "Dirty" but I dont understand it... Also can I add that to the "SAVE" button's function so that when you hit "SAVE" it also switches the AllowEdits back to False?
  13. F

    protect all data in form from editing (with override)

    never mind on the "Where do I set the default" found it.. Sheeesh... and here i was looking all over for VBA code to protect the data and still allow new entries... One toggle for the Allow edits default. (but the button will be a lifesaver,.. and thanks to SOS I understand a little...
  14. F

    protect all data in form from editing (with override)

    Ok.. I set two buttons and First off "THANK YOU" the "No Edits" (Me.AllowEdits = True) does lock it down.. AND allows for new entries and edits of those entries until it has been saved. So.. With that I can get it funtional.. Question though.. When/if I hit the "Allow Edits"...
  15. F

    protect all data in form from editing (with override)

    I have a data entry form that has near 120 fields per form. The form lets you view previously entries as well as "ADD a new entry". I need to be able to in some way protect past entries from mistaken editing/overwriting. In short to be able to lock all the info on a form, (single row in...
  16. F

    Adding DATE filter to Multi Search Form

    Sweet Lord, you have no idea how much this helps... I'm still digesting, but I've been through 3 sets of online tutorials so far, and none has mentioned the left to right or the priority of the operations... You just answered a quandary responsible for a lump on my forehead and a dent in...
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    Adding DATE filter to Multi Search Form

    I was about to add another post (and will )but wanted to ask you guys first since you are both pretty "up to speed" with what I'm trying to achieve. I would like to add a dropdown (or button/s) between each of the form's search/filters to determine the type of opperation/relationship between...
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    Adding DATE filter to Multi Search Form

    THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!! I cant believe (of course I can) that was all that was missing... (and incorrect) LIFESAVER... And now, I'll be honest, I...
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    Adding DATE filter to Multi Search Form

    I would ask, if I may, that you guys, George145, and 3dman, take a quick look at the actual form I attatched to see how it is set up. ( I added the original template "search4" as well as a quick mockup of the desired, and saved them in 2003 in case you werent using 2007 ) The reason I ask...
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    Adding DATE filter to Multi Search Form

    BTW.. this isnt an Assignment... this is helping the wife with something so her group at work doesnt have to be limited to using a huge and cumbersome EXCEL sheet for tracking patient/client cases. The sample/template came from another Site...
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