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  1. D

    Super Easy Mail Merge - Debug error image

    Hi I am having a problem with Super Easy Mail Merge After clicking Add New Document, and then typing name, clicking OK. I get the following error message: On clicking Debug the VBA appears: What shall I do so the mail merge works. Thanks Daniel James
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    VBA calendar control with two text boxes!

    Hi, I want the calendar to show the date in the field [Next Payment Due] - whenever this value changes, the calendar date should change accordingly. I want the calendar to be assigned to a text box (txtCalDate), so this would also contain the date of [Next Payment Due]. However, If the...
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    Copy value from one subform and put it into another continuous subform.

    Hi Here is code I am using to copy a value from a subform to a continuous subform. Private Sub Command38_Click() Dim MyForm As String MyForm = Form!SUBCleanerJobSearch![Cleaner-ID].Value //Somewhere here it would be good to go to the next record with no cleanerid value thus add a new record...
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    Copy data from webpage in MS Access Form

    Hi, I know how you can view a website on a form, but I would like to be able to somehow copy text on the webpage into fields on the form. I don't know if VBA can automatically copy areas of a specific website and paste them into a field. Otherwise it would be great if the user could highlight...
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    Calculate if number of records is increasing or decreasing

    Hi, I have a database with a table of every client (current and cancelled clients) and a query just showing the current clients. I want to show if the number of clients is increasing or decreasing, but I'm unsure how? I was thinking maybe calculating the average number of records for this...
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    Find record by autonumber and move record to different table

    Hi, Any ideas on how I can move the current record on the form, from one table called "currentclients" to another table called "cancelledclients". The two tables have the same structure and the autonumber for "currentclients" is client-id. I have client-id in "cancelledclients" but with the...
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    Query linking two tables with equal field

    Hi, I have two tables: tblClientDayJunction and tblCleanerDayJunction These hold the ID, ClientID/CleanerID and Day (which is a number 1-5) I would like to be able to link Client Name - Cleaner Name in a query, depending on wether the Day fields equal the same value. For example, If the...
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    Question VBA: Mail Merge from Access

    Hi, I have an access database with hundreds of records, and would like to be able to have a table of letters linked to a word 2003 doc location. I want to be able to select one or many records on a form, then select the letter, and then a button to Mail Merge. I have been trying to do this for...
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    Receive email from POP3 server with Access!

    Hi, Is there a way for access to receive emails from a POP3 server (in this case and store emails in a table. I have access 2003, and at the moment have Windows Live Mail - If I have to change to Microsoft Outlook I probably will. Then I plan to have a query so only specific...
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    Question VBA Code to open form

    I have an opening form and the on_load says: If nRecord >1 Then 'OPEN THE FORM CLIENTNOCLEANER1 Else 'DO NOTHING, Just stay on the opening form. However it opens the opening form and the CLIENTNOCLEANER1 behind the opening form. I would like the CLIENTNOCLEANER1 form to open above the...
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    Question MsgBox custom button with action

    Hi have this VBA for a MS Access Form, and would like to have 2 custom buttons. Private Sub Form_Load() nRecords = DCount("*", "ClientsNoCleaner") If nRecords >= 1 Then MsgBox "You have " & nRecords & " Clients with no Cleaner assigned. Click 'View these Clients' or 'Ignore' below."...
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    Question Table client id not in to find out..

    I have a table (ClientCleaner) linking clients and cleaners together with id, clientid, and cleanerid. However, I want to have a query of this table to find out what clients do not have a cleaner.. and another query saying what cleaners do not have clients assigned ect. the clientid somes...
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    Question Record field as record in table every month.

    I have a field (Text9) on a form and would like to have the code to be able to add the value of that field to a table once every month. The database wont be opened everyday so it would have to be nearest to a month if not exact? Any ideas? Thanks, Dan.
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    Question Add up values in a table - vba on form.

    I would like to have a textbox on a form: That adds up the amount of money in query 'CurrentClients', Column 'And'. The data in this field is currency.
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    Question Change Tab set focus on click

    1)I have a listbox (List51) and a Tab Control (TabCtl13) with two tabs: the first "Clients" and the second "All Info". I want to be able to change the tab from Clients to All Info when a record is selected on List51. 2)Another thing I would like is.. I have a button on another from with the...
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    Question Select Case between to dates VBA

    Select Case between two dates VBA I am trying to change the visibility of a label depending on a date in the Next_Payment_Due text box. I have used the select case method eg: Select Case Next_Payment_Due.Value Case Is >= Date - 25 PDS.Visible = True Case Is <= Date + 5 Case Else PDS.Visible =...
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    Question VBA: Email from Outook express into table

    Hi, I would like to have the code to import any email from a specific person say ( and also ( to a microsoft access table called tblEmailImport. I would have a table with To, From, CC, Subject, Body, Title.. ect. I've heared this can be done somehow...
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    Question ListBox row colour change

    I have a listbox (list14) that displays 3 columns. The row source is SELECT QryPaymentsDue.FullName, QryPaymentsDue.[And], QryPaymentsDue.[Next Payment Due] FROM QryPaymentsDue; I want an if statement to say that if column 3 (Next Payment Due) is <Todays Date then the row colour to flash red...
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    Question Add Same clients/cleaners...

    Hi, I have two tables [tblPersonData] and [tblStaff]. When I go on a form to add a client (tblPersonData) there is a cleaner textbox with a dropdown list with cleaner names. I'd like it if when you select a cleaner and save the record for the database to copy the client name from...
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    Question Move selected record from one table to another

    I need a button on a form, that when clicked on copys the selected record from table [tblPersonData] to [CancelledClients] and when this is successfull to delete the record from [tblPersonData]. There is a dropdown list on the form where you select a name from [tblPersonData] the details come...
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