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  1. M

    Question Maximize app and scroll bar is gone

    I have full screen app and I use button to minimize the application with this code: DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMinimize All works great, until I maximize the app, then the scroolbar on right side disappears. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?
  2. M

    Question Full screen application and Auto-hide the taskbar

    I made my access application for full screen (I use "Fit to screen" settings). It's all fine but some of users use "Auto-hide the taskbar" and the application is full screen so they have to press Win button to get taskbar instead of just moving mouse down like with other applications. Is there...
  3. M

    Enable all macros from VBA

    Whoever uses my application gets security warning and can't run macros. The solution is to go to "Trust center" and then select "Enable all macros" but is there any way to do this in VBA script, so that users doesn't have to open access first and search for those settings and after that they can...
  4. M

    accdb to mdb

    I am using access 2007 but some of my users still use access 2003. I made application in access 2007 and it is saved as .accdb. Now I am trying to save it as mdb but can't find a way to do it. If I go to Save as it's gray and can't click it - I can click it if I for example click only one form...
  5. M

    Where is the code for application start?

    Where can i enter some code which is used when application starts? I tried On form load and form open but that's to late...
  6. M

    Linked table - with VBA?

    If I use External data > Access and then "Link to data source by creating a linked table" I have to write strict full path where database is and this very limits my users from using application - they have to place it in the correct folder. Is there any way that this wouldn't be strict, but...
  7. M

    Full screen form - How to prevent closing it (ALT + F4...)?

    When someone opens my application it's full screen. All fine, except the problem is when someone clicks ALT + F4 this forms closes and all tables, forms,... are seen which confuses some of my experienced users. How can I disable that they will close form with CTRL + F4 and if there's any other...
  8. M

    Question From Expression builder to Code builder

    I have some code in "Expression builder" which checks if Email is already in database: =IIf(DCount("*";"[Contacts]";"[ID]<>" & Nz([ID];0) & " And [E-mail] = '" & Replace(Nz([E-mail]);"'";"''") & "'")>0;"Email was already used once!";"") Can someone "translate" this code that I can use it in...
  9. M

    "Double" filter

    I am now using for example: Private Sub Button212_Click() Me.Filter = "[CatDate] = date()" Me.FilterOn = True End Sub Filter by some dates. This works fine, but is there any way I can now create another button which will filter by something else and it will include only those already...
  10. M

    Question Filter by Parameter

    I would like to include one of my parameter which I use in VB to Filter but I just can't get it to work. I can filter if I manualy enter date in Filter but don't know how with paramater. Example code: mydate = "3/3/2010" Me.Filter = "[Contacts]![Date] < " & mydate Me.FilterOn = True Me.Requery...
  11. M

    Form Error event

    I have 2 fields required on my form (date and company). I placed Form Error event in my VB and it looks like this: Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer) Response = acDataErrContinue Select Case DataErr Case 3314 If IsNull(Company)...
  12. M

    Drop down menu - select only

    I made drop-down menu in my form but the problem now is that I can select values but I can also write my own there or write in the box. How can I "lock" the box that no one would be able to write there but only select values which I wrote?
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