Search results

  1. G

    If Statement for numbers

    I did a quick search & didn't see anything, sorry if this is a repost. I hope this is an easy one. I have a varchar field called [CUST_CODE] Each customer has a unique code. Some include numbers, some do not. So the data looks like: SMS.DELTA.1952 CRY.DOWN.NA SMS.ALPHA.NA CRT.ALPHA.5555...
  2. G

    If statement help when jumping from one form to another.

    OK I am in form "frm_CUSTOMER" (which has a couple subforms) looking at my customer information. I can click a button which opens "frm_CONTACTS" for that same customer. My "frm_CUSTOMER" stays open in the background. I add my new information, then close "frm_CONTACTS" and go back to...
  3. G

    admin lock form - read only with password question???

    I have a main form with a combo box drop down with a list of my clients. You select the client then the subform will show the information for that client. I want to set the subform to open in READ-ONLY mode so my users cannot change any data for most of the fields. However there are a handful...
  4. G

    fun date change script

    Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great 4th of July. I have 2 date fields on my form. When a user enters a date in the first date field I want it to automatically add the date to the second date field. So far I have this: Private Sub Date_Started_AfterUpdate() Me.Date_Finished =...
  5. G

    Logic issue for a checkbox VBA IF statement

    I have a standard check box in my form. I need write my code that IF the box is NOT checked and then my user goes and clicks on the box it will give a message box. I first thought of a LOST FOCUS event, but that doesn't help if it wasn't checked and then checked. I thought about an on...
  6. G

    pushing data from recordset to form fields

    I am opening a form with the following code: Public Sub getEmployee(sEmployee As String) Dim db As dao.Database Dim sSQL As String Dim sRS As dao.Recordset sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl__STAFF WHERE INITIALS='" & sEmployee & "'" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs =...
  7. G

    Date/Time Format issue

    Please see my current query. SELECT DATEADD("n", (DATEDIFF("n", 0, T.DateAdded)\60)*60, 0) AS [Hour Start], DateAdd("n",59,DATEADD("n", (DATEDIFF("n", 0, T.DateAdded)\60)*60, 0)) AS [Hour End], Count (*) AS [# of Calls] FROM log_tbl AS T GROUP BY (DATEDIFF("n", 0, T.DateAdded)\60)*60; I need...
  8. G

    Now minus 16 hours???

    I have a field in my tbl [DateAdded] which is automatically given a date/time stamp when a new record is created in my table. I want to make a simple query which will show me all records entered in the system over the past 16 hours. I am not sure how to write the query criteria so I want...
  9. G

    Filter data in subform with buttons on mainform.

    Please see the demo. I am not sure how to describe things sometimes, but the demo will make it more clear. I have a form [frm_MAIN] with a subform [frm_HISTORY] which each tied to 2 different tables. The tables and forms are linked by a field called [CLIENT] When I have the frm_MAIN open...
  10. G

    If statement help with outlook email

    I have a button that my user will click to add data from an entry form to a table, then send an email out to my clients. I am 90% done, but stuck with one problem. This email will go to one of two people depending on the [DEPT] field. If my user selects "ACCOUNTING" then the email will go to...
  11. G

    time stamp issue at query level.

    Good morning everyone. I need some help PLEASE. I have a front end Access 2000 DB and Backend SQL 2005. My Form Prompts my user to enter company name and a start and finish date. Then my query will run using information entered into that form. To spit out a dataset. Query SELECT...
  12. G

    date/ time stamp issue

    I have a field labeled [RecordDate] which saves date and time. I am setting up a query and I want to see all records for a set date range of Between #7/1/2010# And #9/30/2010# IF I use this criteria expression for the field [RecordDate]it will drop off all records from 9/30/2010 because they...
  13. G

    Need help creating a button to hide any unchecked box.

    I have a form called "frm_CLIENTS" tied directly to a table with about 40 checkboxes and one ID. so the first couple fields in the tbl look like: ID (unique ID for each of my clients) BB CC CPT DEW FRE FZ HYT ect for about 40 total of these shorthand codes. My form has all 40 of these...
  14. G

    Best Practices Question

    Please see my sample DB, sometimes my verbiage is off and a sample may help. My DB has 2 sample tables. I want to know why one way is better than the other. I am specifically dealing with the way I link the company name to the employee. Sample 1 – Is a direct drop down from one...
  15. G

    DB Software

    I am getting ready to make a brand new DB in access that will be a big task. I am pretty new to DBS in general. I am looking for some type of software which will assist in the design and development part of the task. Has anyone used any 3rd party tools which work well for the initial DB design...
  16. G

    order by

    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from qry_List_Status where CONTRACTORS=""" & rsclient!client & """", dbOpenDynaset) This is a small snip-it for a VB code which saves data from a query to an excel sheet then email it to a client. It works pretty well except the excel sheet needs to list the...
  17. G

    2 queries: filter for specific data???

    qry_CLIENTS = lists all active clients qry_ORDERS = lists all orders for each client qry_CLIENTS (fields)[ID] [CLIENT] [ACTIVE] [EMAIL] qry_ORDERS (fields)[ID] [CLIENT] [DATE] [AMOUNT] [STATUS] (open, pending, closed) Obviously qry_CLIENTS lists all of our active clients. qry_ORDERS...
  18. G

    Show all records with more than x characters

    I have a text field. I want to see all records in my table which have more than 17 characters. I am sure this is super easy, but I have never done it. Thank you.
  19. G

    VB to connect to SQL each time DB opens?

    I am working on a small project right now. I have 2 linked tables from a local access db and 2 linked tables from a SQL server. I am currently connecting to the SQL server via an ODBC connection that I created. My issue is the ODBC connection will not allow me to save the password. So EVERY TIME...
  20. G

    objXLApp.Visible = True Issue

    I have a good size project in VBA sending information from 2 different queries to an Excel sheet which maps and saves the file. I want to open the new excel file so my code looks like this at the very end objXLApp.Visible = True I want to open the file with the second worksheet showing. So how...
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