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  1. G

    Appending Data from SQL Server into Access

    can anyone help?
  2. G

    Appending Data from SQL Server into Access

    Hi, I have the following code Cn.CursorLocation = adUseServer Cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MS-LON-APPS01;Database=Warehouse;Trusted_Connection=yes" Cn.CommandTimeout = 400 strSQL = "SELECT [Opco Code], [SAP Account ID], [Customer Name], [Invoice Number], [Product Group 4 ID], " _...
  3. G

    Having big problems with Variables

    Hi there, I have a form with various multi-select list boxes and I am trying to pass the values to a query This is the code for my list box: Private Sub lstOpCo_AfterUpdate() Dim OpCo_Criteria As String Dim ctl As Control Dim Itm As Variant ' Build a list of the selections. Set ctl =...
  4. G

    RunSQL Won't Work

    Thanks, Works a treat. Could you explain when and why I should use quotes and how many. Thanks Geoff
  5. G

    RunSQL Won't Work

    Hi there, I have the following code Function RvS_Reports() Dim vDBName As Variant Dim vRvS_Exports Dim vQuery As Variant Dim vQuery1 As Variant Dim sSQL1 As String vDBName = "C:\RvS Reporting Reconciliation\BE_RvS_Exports.mdb" Set vRvS_Exports = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("tblRvS_Exports")...
  6. G

    Scrathing my head

    Hi there, I have the following Code DoCmd.SetWarnings False Dim vCircuit_Info Dim vCircuit_Info_ID As Integer Dim vCircuit_Info_Text As String Dim LineNo As Integer Set vCircuit_Info = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("tblCircuit_Data") Do Until vCircuit_Info.EOF vReporting_ID = vCircuit_Info!ID...
  7. G

    Searching Text File

    Hi there, I have the following Code which currently seaches a text file and populates field 1 of my table with the City Name found Public Sub findtext() Dim buf As String Dim lngPtr As Integer Dim flgFound As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.database Set db = CurrentDb Set rs =...
  8. G

    Strip out text

    Hi there, I have several amounts of data which lokks like this Brazilië (Sao Paulo) What I need to do is strip out anything in brackets so I am left with Brazilië Any ideas? Thanks in advance Geoff
  9. G

    stLinkCriteria stupidity

    Thank you, I forgot to put double quotes around the text values Thanks Geoff
  10. G

    stLinkCriteria stupidity

    Hi there, I am being a complete dumbass, I have a form which I would like to open using the following criteria SAP_entity = Me![SAP_entity] - Number Type = "Revenue" - Text Field source = "ZZZ" - Text Field One day I'll manage to get my head around this syntax problems Thanks in advance Geoff
  11. G

    Relinking Tables etc

    Hi there, I am using the following code to check links on startup, the problem I am having is that it only sheck the links of Access tables and not xls or odbc tables, is there a way to modify the code to do this. Thanks in advance Geoff Option Compare Database Option Explicit Global...
  12. G

    Long File Names

    Hi there, I am using the following code to zip files. Function Zip_AvE_Databases() DoCmd.SetWarnings False Dim vDestination As String Dim vReporting Dim vReporting_Entity As Variant Dim vReporting_Folder As Variant Dim vFile_Long As Variant Dim vFile_Short As Variant Dim sWinZip As String...
  13. G

    SQL string

    Thanks for the help, Ilooked at some of you other posts and I finally got it working as sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblGrouped_RvS_Detail_Var_Crosstab " & _ " IN """ & vFile & """ " & _ " SELECT tblGrouped_RvS_Detail_Var_Crosstab.* " & _ " FROM...
  14. G

    SQL string

    Hi there, I am having problems with the following SQL sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblGrouped_RvS_Detail_Var_Crosstab ( reporting ) IN " & vDestination & _ "vReporting_Folder & 'AvE_' & vReporting_Entity & '.mdb' & _ "SELECT tblGrouped_RvS_Detail_Var_Crosstab.*...
  15. G

    Insert object into e-mail body?

    Sub SendRange() 'Sends a specified range in an Outlook message and retains Excel formatting '************************** ' '************************** 'Dimension variables Dim oOutlookApp As Object Dim oOutlookMessage As Object Dim oFSObj As Object Dim oFSTextStream...
  16. G

    Sendkeys going to other apps

    Hi there, Rather than use send keys can you not use something like Me.Form.Requery On a timer event. Thanks Geoff
  17. G

    Controlling Scroll Bars

    Thanks for the suggestion but that won't work, because i need it so that it doesn't matter what scrollbar you move all the forms move thanks anyway Geoff
  18. G

    Controlling Scroll Bars

    Hi there, I have a Main Form with 3 subforms, each of the three subforms have a Horizontal scroll bar, what i would like to do is that when you scroll with one of the scroll bars it moves the other 2 sub forms so that the columns in each are always lined up. Any ideas anyone. Thanks in...
  19. G

    Remove Text

    No they are completely random, i thought about using the right etc
  20. G

    Remove Text

    I just tried that on the following value T21412818 and I got 0
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