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  1. W

    import multiple excel files with FILTERED Excel spreasheet into an access table

    Hi. I have thousands of excel files in one directory. I want to build up the Access table from excel files. Each excel file has one worksheet, but I don't need every column and low of the worksheet. I am trying to import a FILTERED Excel worksheet of every excel files in that directory into...
  2. W

    Convert Measurement in Access VBA and update the same Access table

    Howdy, I need to convert some records (not all) in my access table to match with same unit. I have a access table with mismatch in unit: some in kilowatt and some in megawatt. I want to unify unit in megawatt and update the table. The following is the access table I have with fields pID...
  3. W

    Converting multiple columns into one row

    Hello VBA scripters, I need help on converting multiple columns into one row (actually two rows). I have a Access table with 26 columns UnitID, Date, 1, 2, 3, 4,.......,24. (data in column "1" means KWh used in hour 1, and samething appplies to each hour until hour 24) I want to convert...
  4. W

    automate data converting (import) task from 2003 Excel to 2007 Access using VB

    I want to automate data converting (import) task from 2003 Excel to 2007 Access using visual basic. There is an obstacle. Data in Excel are different format than I want to have in Access table, so can’t just use built-in importing step in Access. What is the best way to automate...
  5. W

    MS Access 2007: Subtracting values from two consecutive records

    Hello. I am having a problem due to my inexperience with Access or database. Here is my problem: -I have a table set up to enter numbers on a hourly basis from each facility's power meter reading. -I made a query to add up all the facility's meter reading for each hour of period yr 2000-yr...
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