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  1. D

    Sub-grouping in a Report

    Good morning, I have a table that has the following fields and field types: Project_Code (Type: Short Text) Project_Objective_Code (Type: Short Text) Project_Objective_Statement (Type: Long Text) Objective_Level_Indicator Code (Type: Short Text) Objective_Level_Indicator_Statement (Type: Long...
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    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Hi, I have project [StartDate] and [EndDate] in a table A. How can I run a query that lists down quarters in rows or columns. For example: Start Date: 8/1/2018 End Date: 11/30/2019 Expect Result: Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Thanks for the help. Dhamdard
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    Google map on Web Browser Control - Web Form on Access 2010

    On an access 2010 web database, I want to show Google map using a web browser control on a form. I created a fusion table on Google map. Here is the link: I paste this link to the 'Insert Hyperlink' menu of web browser control. But it does...
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    Appending Tables with Multivalue Field

    Dear Access experts, I have two tables "Tab_Issue_1" and "Tab_Issue_2". Tab_Issue_1 has two fields "Issue" and "AssignedTo". Tab_Issue_2 has the same fields. However, the "AssignedTo" is a multi-value field in both tables. I want to append data from Tab_Issue_1 into Tab_Issue_2. I use the...
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    Free SharePoint

    Dear all, Is there a free online SharePoint server available on the internet? I want to test upload an access database on the SharePoint to see how Access works online from an online SharePoint site. Thanks, Dad
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    Where Condition in Embedded Macros

    Dear all, I spent 4 hours to find the error that causes an embedded macro not to work. When I open the attached database, I click on one of the question codes to open another from that shows me more details for the same question code. It doesn't work as far as I could understand. Can you...
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    Pop Up Message On Cursor On Object

    Dear mates, I spent several hours but looks like I can't pop up a message in a form when the cursor pointer is on a specific object. Focus of cursor maybe somewhere else, but when I move the cursor with mouse and it reaches to a specific object, I want the object to display a message. I...
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    Dear friends, I use following function to concatenate data from multiple rows into a single row/field. It puts a comma ',' after each concatenate. What I would like it to do more is to put 'and' instead of comma between the last two concatenated words. For example: Now it gives me Value 1 but I...
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    AfterUpdate Event Procedure

    I think event procedure for normal combo box and multiple-value-select combo box is different. I have 'station' and 'language' combo boxes. Both are multi-value-select combo boxes. This means that more than one item can be selected from the drop down list. When the value of 'station' combo box...
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    Select All Items In a Combo Box

    In an Access 2010 form, I have two combo box fields 1) BroadastType and 2) Station. Properties of both fields are set to accept multiple values from combo box. Multiple value select is a new feature in Access 2007 and 2010. my question is; if I select 'Nationwide' from combo box in...
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    Type Mismatch

    In a form, I have two fields 1) BroadcastType and 2) Station. BroadcastType has a combo box with multiple value select property enabled. In 'after update' event property of 'broadcasttype' field, I have written this procedure: if me.broadcasttype="Nationwide" Then me.station.enabled = True Else...
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    Select Multiple Value

    Dear Access Experts, In a form, I want to set values in 'Station' variable based on value selected in 'BroadcastType' variable. If the type of value is 'nationwide' in broadcastType variable, then I want the 'station' variable to automatically select all values from the combo box list that it...
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    Question Import Excel Data Macro Error

    Dear all, I have designed a macro in Access 2007 that imports data from 4 excel files. Name of excel files are Form A, B, C and D. I recently installed Access 2010. Now when I click the import button, the macro pops up a message saying that "Form A" doesn't exist in the specified location -...
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    Import Excel Data Macro

    Dear all, I have designed a macro in Access 2007 that imports excel data from a files. Name of excel file are Form A, Form B, and Form C. I recently installed Access 2010. Now when I click the import button, the macro pops up a message saying that "Form A" doesn't exist in the location - this...
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    Question Split Text In A Field After Each Coma

    Hello experts, Table1 has one field "Objectives". Table2 has one field too "ObjectivesBroken". Value for "Objectives" field is 'primary education, health and sanitation, vocational training'. I am trying to run below code to break the value of "objectives" field after each coma and append the...
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    Question Show All My Posts

    How can I see all my posts only? One of you all respected experts had helped me with breaking text in a field into words. I need to see my posts to find that. Much appreciate your help.
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    Question CDO Gmail Email Failure

    Dear Experts, We are using MS Access database to send email to a recipient. We have designed it in Visual Basic that is supplemented with any Access application. Each user has to give its gmail email address and password. Suddenly, some users can't send email now. On clicking the 'send'...
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    Question Free SharePoint Site

    Hello friends, Is there a free online SharePoint site where I could put my database and documents free. I am trying to pilot test an access database that could be accessed from different locations. If the pilot went on as expected, we would like to expand this operation. Regards, Hamdard:cool:
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    Question Split Database On Website

    Dear experts, I am trying to breakdown (split) a database on an online storage/website folder. Database has been designed in Access 2007. I spent a lot of time in doing and creating online storage, but all I get is different messages i.e. "invalid path" or "access is denied". Would you kindly...
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    Question Are There Online Database Design Jobs/Contracts

    Hi folks, I have 11+ years of experience in database design and data processing. If you know of a link/site that offers online contracts in database design and/or data processing, please let me know. Thanks for your assistance in advance. Regards, Hamdard
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