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  1. H

    Obtaining a creation date of an excel file

    I read you can use it in a query, I'm trying to add the date to a query to use later in vba
  2. H

    Obtaining a creation date of an excel file

    Hi all, I want to use the create date of a file which is stored as a linked table in my Access 2010 database. What is the best way to achieve this? I have attempted this by creating a query (qrysysObjects) using the MsysObjects and that gives me the filename of the linked tables, well almost -...
  3. H

    Outlook Public Folder appointment

    For reference guys after searching for ages finally found what I needed to refer to the calendar (subfolder). Added this line... Set fld = olfolder.Folders("All Public Folders").Folders("Central Calendar")
  4. H

    Outlook Public Folder appointment

    Hi all, we use Office 2010 I'm trying to create an appointment from an Access database every time a holiday entry gets created. I have coded this using info I've found on the net but can't seem to get it quite right to add to our shared calendar which resides in Public Folders\All Public...
  5. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    OK ta, I will have to look at this next week... all I did was change from number to currency field type on the table, viewed the data again and a £ was displaying at the front of the data....
  6. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    Thanks for the link too but I can't find the article. If I do a search for the string you suggested it comes up with a list (4 pages) of total access stuff but can't see anything obvious! Will have a proper look later I only work Tue-Thus and looking after my toddler at home today so its hard...
  7. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    Confused!! They are currency but not the same eg euros too. If I change the field to currency a £ is displayed in front of the value (default from my regional settings). This would be misleading to the user(?). Or I am not understanding you correctly... ?
  8. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    Thanks for all the replies - I know about the storage / display of decimals etc but these are not calculated and both values get entered in by the user (one of them admittedly into a different database but still entered manually originally). They are stored as 2 decimals I've double checked and...
  9. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    Hi thx, the fields are both numbers, double standard format, and the code is: If Me![CBFD NSC] > Me![CBFD] Then Cancel = True msg = "Value can not be greater than original FD amount. Please re-enter" MsgBox msg, vbCritical, "Incorrect Value entered"...
  10. H

    Comparing values odd behaviour?

    Hi all, this is a strange one. I have two fields on a form and after the 2nd field is entered I run code on the beforeupdate event to check if value1 is > value2 and stop the user from entering if so. This has always worked for years and still does most of the time. BUT on some records it has...
  11. H

    Pull data from a website

    Thanks... will have a look!
  12. H

    Pull data from a website

    Hi I am trying to read some data off a website for Exchange Rates. I found some code for a similar task and tried amending it for my use but instead of opening the website I get the download centre on my PC asking me if I want to open or save the file. Can anyone help with this please? Dim ie...
  13. H

    Dlookup via query in vba

    Sorry they are Minimum and Maximum, my example wasn't very clear! But it was working correctly, someone had changed his engine size and I hadn't spotted it! Thanks anyway for the reply...
  14. H

    Dlookup via query in vba

    Hi all, I have the following line of code to lookup a value from a range between two fields: NewRate = DLookup("Petrol", "qry LookupPetrol", "[Minimum] <=" & Engine & " And [Maximum] >= " & Engine) It runs and returns a value but it is incorrect. It returns the first value of Petrol it finds...
  15. H

    Display data differently

    No not Microsoft related at all luckily :-)
  16. H

    Display data differently

    doh!! Sorry I knew that but you are correct, I had the RS specified in the main report too which I hadn't realised - I'm blame my pregnancy brain at the mo :-). Thanks again!!
  17. H

    Display data differently

    Ah! Not quite right it turns out. I didn't notice before the report produced 4 pages instead of 2. The subreports individually (i.e. when run seperately) produce only one page each as desired, I think it must be because the two subreports in the main report use the same Recoursource that it is...
  18. H

    Display data differently

    Still two reports then but placed in the one main report as subreports so it looks like one report to the end user. This works thanks, I have just had to spend a while changing the labels for each date heading in report2 as they all had as part of an expression Date1 (D0) which didn't exist in...
  19. H

    Display data differently

    Hi all I have a report which displays a 14 wk plan on one page, two rows of days in the fields D0 - D97 of its detail section (populated via a date expression in a crosstab query). I now need a similar report to display slightly different if half days exist (new feature of the system). I want...
  20. H

    Merge records

    Hi all I have an Access database which has been used for 7 years and one of the Tables is used to store all our staff itineraries, it was based on one activity per day per person, until now! Some work we have just recently undertaken for a customer has required a system change to allow for...
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