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  1. X

    Opening and working with embedded file (PDF)

    My question is: How am I able to access an embedded PDF through VBA, so that I may use the following code (working): Dim WshShell As Object Dim X As Object Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShell.Run "Acrobat.exe \\shareddrive\Database\PAY.pdf" ' delay to let...
  2. X

    Syntax Error in Expression

    Evening all, I could really use some expertise on the query below. It selects matches between two days (3 sets of two dates actually, depending on if the next set is empty or not); however, I get a syntax error in query expression when i open the form and it doesn't seems to work at all. Any...
  3. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    Why are you using the "before update" event? Trying to get people to update all the fields before the stuff saves?
  4. X

    Clear and Repopulate Combo Boxes

    Don't suppose you could post a copy of your database so we know exactly what we're working with?
  5. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    Sorry mate, had to. I populated the first record with just bleh-data. Should be functional now.
  6. X

    Clear and Repopulate Combo Boxes

    You have a quote in from of ('Me.Community.RowSource ). Other than that, you need to make sure that you set a rowsource before you requery. The requery even is used to requery the current rowsource, so if there's nothing in there, nothing will be returned. Hope that helps...
  7. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    Yeah totally... don't mind the massive amounts of messy code. hehe EDIT: Btw the month buttons on the third tab are the ones you're looking for.
  8. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    BOOM! Found a better solution, which I plan to use in the future. This loops though various controls, regardless of name! I'd hang on to this one. You can specify the field type at Typename(cCont) = "combobox" etc... ENJOY! Private Sub Command18_Click() Dim cCont As Control For Each...
  9. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    Well you could add a ton of else if statements, but i guess that's not really more efficient. If you haven't used the fieldnames in any other pieces of code, I'd just rename the fields like I suggested earlier, and use a loop for them. Then again, it's not that hard to copy and paste 20...
  10. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    datesub works as a subtraction. my recent edit shows what happens when using the negative value on dateadd. Still nothing. Hopefully its just stupidity on my part.
  11. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    Yeah I noticed that right off the bat, and all doublequotes have been changed to single quotes in the dateadd functions. Where does the completed string print. I don't believe that I have that window open. EDIT: Figured it out and this is what is returned- SELECT Students_Info.firstname...
  12. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    Try using Else if Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Dim strMissingInfo As String Dim strMsg As String If IsNull(Me![Incident Date]) Then strMissingInfo = strMissingInfo & "Incident Date" Exit Sub Else If Len(strMissingInfo) <> 0 Then strMsg = "The...
  13. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    The string is being loaded as a rowsource for a listbox. I modified the code in two different ways, neither of which returns results. Can you see a difference here? strSQL6 = "SELECT Students_Info.firstname, Students_Info.lastname FROM Students_Info WHERE ((#" & janumonthly & "# BETWEEN...
  14. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    I've altered the code, and will take your suggestion. Looks like i'll be using the dateadd function. I'll update this post with my findings. The part that eludes me the most is the first section of code... finding the initial pay. It returns nothing. Any help in that area?
  15. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    Cool bro.... good luck with it.
  16. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    That code doesn't make any sense. It either has to be strMissingInfo = strMissingInfo & "Incident Date" End If If Len(strMissingInfo) <> 0 Then strMsg = "The following are required: " & strMissingInfo MsgBox strMsg OR strMissingInfo = strMissingInfo & "Incident Date" End If If...
  17. X

    Need to require data entry before record submission

    Here's what I'm using as of right now. It absolutely works. If IsNull(Me!control_name) Then MsgBox "Opps... There is an empty field that must be filled in before proceeding. Please ensure the record has been completed properly, then try again." Exit Sub End If If you want to make this...
  18. X

    Zomg Another date question!

    Zomg Another date question! (PICS Included) Hey guys, I've hit a bit of a brick wall, so I'm here asking the guru's of code what to do. The code below represents three sql queries that are exectuted on button push. One query is for students arriving, they are paid their initial paycheck...
  19. X

    ACCESS to WORD form - Populate on Buttonpush

    Still no answers on this, eh? I may just have to create like 200 bookmark references... I was hoping to be able to avoid doing that for redundant data.
  20. X

    ACCESS to WORD form - Populate on Buttonpush

    I think this one may be a lost cause, which means I have to add individual bookmarks, and create like 75 more lines of code. :S
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